I think we all know the extra's from the DVD / laserdisc / special made for TV making of / VHS that comes with the deluxe box.

I wanna say Blu-Ray aswell, I have many of them, but I can't play them, so I don't know what extra's are on there

(just as info: can anyone maybe rip those extra's and make avi's from them? hehe)

Anyways ...

None of these extra features seem to have recording sessions with Rowan Atkinson.
I would have loved to see some of those.

And music recordings. Nowadays, most extra's show a video clip (weather it's an actual clip made, or just recordings from recording sessions).
Would have been cool to see some of those recordings, and then to also actually see what the people look like (like Carmen Twillie, I swear, before I had internet, even though the name is Carmen, I swear it was a male's voice, haha!).

And just for fun, here's a clip with Rowan & Elton John, before Lion King.