Originally posted by Roquivo
Well, if you guys were attempting to destroy the mod staff, you did a heck of a job. As you know, Nathalie is taking a break, luckily for her own needs. Another active mod, whom I will allow to name themselves when they are ready, has handed in their resignation becaus eof stress from the forum. I can't speak for all the mods, but seeing these past few posts in this forum is just making me want to scream and put my fist through a wall. You are going to hear some stuff you would never expect me to say.

Quite frankly, I am saddened to see how this forum reacted to this thread in the first place. I we got is "I hate this", and "the mods are bad because of that", but is anybody willing to offer suggestions to help? Nope. And what about how we get taken advantage of? You expect us to fix every little problem that happens, half the time with stuff outside of Lea, but when the problem involves you in even a small margain, you give us a scream-fest. Please, people, GROW UP! We are NOT your babysitters. Take responcibility for your own problems if that if you can.

You know, it seems that instead of helping us to better ourselved for the sake of the forum, you seem to want to take us down as a whole. Tell me, where would this forum be without a mod staff? I can easily show you.


This is a forum I used to be a part of awhile back. There is no regestering system, and there are about 1000 regs for each member of the mod staff. The webmaster wastes all his time building toys for himself. Comparing Lea to that place is like comparing a desert island to New York City or London. I dare ANY of you to spend a day if one of those forums, and then come tell me that Lea has a poor mad staff. Do we make mistakes? Yes, but we are onlu human. Instead of bashing us for everything that goes wrong, and ignoring all the positive, why not work with us instead of against us.

And mods, we NEED to get on the same page here. I am seeing severel different versions of the rules, and am very confused about it. How the time, I don't even know what is right and wrong anymore. We need to get the ruiles straight beofre we start getting on the forum for breaking them. Also, some organization of our leaders is needed. We need figure out stays and who goes, and such. I don't recall who said, but we reaaly aren't making enough comunications among ourselves here.

Yes, I know a lot of that didn't makle sence, but it came from the heart from someone beyond frustration begging for his sanity.

Now, that seemed just like a post I remember a bit earlier in this thread that was accusing the entire moderating staff of being responsible for members leaving. I just wanted to point out that the staff got angry from that post, so as a member who's actively posting in this thread, I feel I'm entitled to get angry at this post. However, I won't and I'm not because that would be counter-productive. I did give advice on how to improve (which, coincidently you were just about the only one to even acknowledge that post ).

Moving on...

As for the moderating staff... well, I think that if they're going to ask our opinion, they'd best be ready to get it in blunt truth. Don't ask if you don't want to hear it. If I'm responsible for anyone feeling down, either mentally or physically, then I don't really have any intent of apologizing, since I don't believe in apologizing unless you've done something wrong. But, I also think that this thread has escalated past what it needs to, I really don't think anything's going to get solved if we don't all calm down a tad. I mean, come on guys, it's an internet forum, not the UN; we can go about this a bit more calmly with the comforting knowledge that, even if lea were to not exist tomorrow, it would not have a major impact on the rest of our lives (at least, I hope and pray that's true).

If someone's getting stressed out or too angry right now, maybe they should take a deep breath, turn the computer off, and come back tomorrow when they've cooled off. Heck, maybe they could go rent a movie and hang out with some friends or something. This thread will still be here tomorrow and no complete 180 is going to be made on the forum overnight, don't worry. Hakuna Matata, guys.

As for swearing, I think that an acceptable amount should be... acceptable... I mean, if we want to go on a mass genocide against foul language, then count me out, because I really do think there's bigger fish to fry. Needless to say, the moment the mods start cracking down on cursing even more, there's going to be just as many people complaining that the mods are being too mean. Likewise, using laws and movie ratings to decide what's acceptable on an internet forum is a bit sad. Plus, what is considered cursing varies from person to person, as does the meaning of those words. I use quite a bit of the lower "cuss words" when I'm saying something I believe strongly in, I consider them sentence enhancers. That, and I think that words only have the meaning that they're given.