the cub in the dad wake up scene is nala, i think.
Hmm. Nala, I'm aware of, but I've heard there's another cub (older) that can be viewed in that scene? I might be mistaken. My resolution's always been too dark for me to study that scene and find out for myself.

I comment on this issue because it really baffles me. By all means, the pride should have been flourishing under Mufasa's reign - lots of cubs about. During Scar's rule, there should have been very few. Lionesses don't have set estrous cycles, as they can't predict the weather patterns. In a time when there's so little, I can't see why anybody would want to bring more hungry mouths to the table. Once Simba got the Pridelands up and running once more, there should have been at least a few cubs about. Large litters aren't common in lions, and one cub isn't necessarily strange, but at least 2-4 are generally birthed. (Mind you, lionesses have fairly long periods in between cubs. About 2 years until their initial batch is full grown, but still.)

So, you see, it confuses me a bit, because there females were getting pregnant in a time when they really *shouldn't* have, while in the times when they would have been very fertile...blegh. I'll just blame it on Disney's desire not wanting to mess with the kids red, white, and blue family values.