Fail because double-post. But it contains substantial information so

Basically what happened was, the breeder told me Bandit was a male, however when we went to the vet, the vet was sure that Bandit was a female (no dropped male bits). So today (since it's been about 5 days since the vet visit) I decided to have a go sexing Bandit myself. The first time I tried, his genitals looked like a boy's, but it's a long time since I've sexed a rabbit myself, so I wasn't 100% sure. This afternoon, I did a bunch of reading and research from pictures etc before giving it another go. I look at his bits again and this time I was sure he was a boy, out of curiosity I also had a poke around and managed to find one of his testicles (rabbits can tuck them up against their bellies), so that was a definite pro for the boy argument So Bandit, is 100% definitely a boy. Yay. Both because he's a boy like I wanted, but also because it means that I knew what I was looking at when I sexed him! Also neutering is $100 cheaper than spaying even after the vet told me Bandit was a girl, I found it very difficult to call him a her, so I hadn't switched over yet. Plus, it's good to finally just know.

In addition to all that, I apologise if it was too much information