Glad you had a good engagement party! If it makes you feel any better about the few no-shows, we were all with you in spirit and support you guys!

As for the kids convo....ehh. Who can say if I'll want any in the future or not? Lots of people I talk to say, "oh, I didn't want kids either until I met the right person." So I suppose I might change my mind whenever I meet him...but for now, I know I am far too interested in pursuing my own life to bother with kids. I have lots of goals I want to reach and I know that kids are a huge commitment, one that I refuse to take lightly as I have seen the terrible effects of poor parenting first hand. The way I see it who cares about a biological clock? If I want kids later in life there are plenty that have been abandoned or neglected looking for a home, unfortunately. Therefore I can always adopt. Again, some people say that there is a surreal beauty in having someone who is a part of both of you in your life and a testament to your love but, really, I feel that an adopted child can be that as well. And they probably need the love more. Just my thoughts.

I do see the reality of getting old and having no one to take care of you, but I agree with Az in that that is not a good reason to have a child (though oddly enough I do know some people who had kids for exactly that reason. 0_o ). I suppose that makes me a burden on the rest of my family at some point in my life, so I guess I'll have to deal with that eventually. Maybe they'll let me wander off into the woods to go camping until I pass on, not a bother to anyone, enjoying nature, piddling away at my easel....yeah, that'd be nice. :3