Hi, everyone,

I'm quite new here, having just found it today.. though I know a couple people where (**Waves to Leopatra and MehndiX**). I'm not really new to forums in general, nor VBulletin style, though (as you can see, I already managed to get my own avatar and signature), and I'm familier with BBCode.

I don't really post a whole lot, but I enjoy reading what other people have to say, and I will add my thoughts and comments when appropriate (I don't like to spread rumors, and I do not like to post about things I don't know, but love to learn).

Anyway, I guess I should tell a little bit about myself.. I'm female -if you haven't already guessed or saw it in my profile- and I just turned 26 on the 3rd of October. I like to draw and made my avatar. And I enjoy creating/coding webpages as well (HTML, primarily, I'm so boring).
Eventually, I hope to make my website into an art site, but right now it's just under construction. I have plans for it (frames, a hopefully better colour-scheme, some real content, some art...), but need to actually DO it.

I'm also a huge fan of languages, though I can only honestly claim to speak one fluently (English, supposedly). I am, however, taking German and have plans for a third language later on (Dutch, which I know a little bit of.. enough to make sense of some Dutch texts, but not enough to get all the details, and I am not capable of speaking anything more than greetings and a brief explanation of where I'm from, where I life and why -which puts my grasp of Dutch higher than my grasp of German. ^.~)

The reason for learning German first is because I live here in Germany (moved from America to Germany in the end of January of this year), and it will be usefull to speak the language.

Anyway, that's me. You can call me Marijke, if you wish.

And, since a lot of you seem to have your own characters, I thought I would add a little bit about my character. She is a white-cheetress (the same genetical fur-colour mutation that makes white-tigers and white-lions), that has tanzanyte or lavender coloured eyes, simply because I love that shade.
She technically has nothing to do with 'The Lion King', but she could be fit into TLK-based RP's.. I generally kept the character pretty flexible for this purpose, giving her an anthro form and a feral form (which are seperate, she is not capable of morphing between them) with seperate backgrounds.

BTW, I wanted to compliment the admins on their list of smilies. It's pretty nice to see a forum that uses smilies that are in theme, rather than just the standard ones.