I donated some gifts this Christmas. Kind of funny how it worked out... In the beginning of December, while I was at the bank, I was just looking at a Christmas tree that had those tags hanging on the tree, saying what some kids would like for Christmas. (For kids who their parents can't afford to buy them gifts or just having a hard time financially) One of the tags was for an 8 year old girl, and the number one thing she wanted was The Lion King on DVD. And I thought, well I have so many copies of TLK on DVD, (that came with the blu-ray) that I could give her that. But then I noticed on the tag it said that the gifts had to be new and unopened... So a few days pasted and I thought it, and I decided to get her a new copy of TLK on DVD, with so many coupons and deals going on at the store I work at, plus a manufacturer coupon I had (gotten from Subway last year when they had those TLK bags with the kids meals, and it was still good! Will expire at the end on January 2013) and my employee discount, I got The Lion King on DVD for only $7.99. Then my mom asked me what else that girl asked for, which was a Baby Rapunzel Doll and a Puzzle. My mom offered to buy those for her. So we went to Toys R Us and she bought the Baby Rapunzel Doll, and then we went to the Dollar Tree to find a puzzle. We found a Simba puzzle! I offered to pay for it, it was only a dollar after all. But I feel good that we made a little girl happy. I think I just felt a connection to get that girl The Lion King, after all The Lion King means so much to me. It was item she wanted the most, and she is also almost the age I was when I first saw The Lion King. So it made me feel good.