Originally posted by Mizani
I like the Mufasa Sarabi myself personaly. The stangest pair I've ever seen, was Simba and Vitani!
Haha, where's that been, fanfictions? But yes, the subtlties are my favorites (and I love the word, subtltie). You can tell from what little scenes they have together, what, like two scenes together? Anyways, it's just obvious that their emotions for one another are intensly strong, even if they only /show/ us how they feel for such a short time.

I would have likes a scene of just the two of them, especially before Mufasa died. That would make it more moving to the audience, and you'd really care when you see Sarabi mourning. That would be because you got to see the love between them for a short 41/2 minutes, maybe.

What dya' say? A quick piece of them nuzzling, and some conversation about the pride, Simba (pride and joy, durr), and about themselves, together. Wouldn't it be nice to hear Mufasa say "I love you" to Sarabi, and then have her return the favor? See? Subtlties are fun to mess with!

Even more complex characters and relations are fun, because you know them well, and will extend what you've seen them do with greater knowledge of the characters. That's opposing the beauty of, see how many times I say it, twisting subtle relationships.

*Gasps for air* Alrighty, I'm done with my musing. For now.