First Name: Melinda

Screen Name (s):Mel, too many more to mention

Birth date:Aug 23
Gender: F

Ethnic Background: White with a tiny amount Native American
Eye Color: blue

Hair Color:brown



Righty or Lefty?: left

Religion: Baptist Christian

Political Party: independent Conservative with Republican leanings

Country?: USA

State/Province?: IL

Marital Status?: Single

Sexual Preference?: Straight

Parents Divorced?: no

Siblings? How many?: none

Children? How many?:

Best Friend (s):

Pets (names and what they are): Max and Molly, lab mix dogs

Job?: just started part time at a craft store

Schooling?: some colllege, wanna finish library sciences


Play an Instrument?: Trumpet

Glasses or Contacts?:glasses

Jewelry?: I like my Highlander Watcher's pendant



Zodiac Sign: Virgo or Leo

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Rooster


Animal: cat, horse, wolf, eagle, whale

Color: blue

Country: usa, Canada, Scotland

State/Province: IL

Automobile: Doge Magnum



Food: Italian

Fast Food Place and Food there:Wendy's Bacon Cheeseburger

Musical Instrument:

Drink (not just alcoholic):Sprite or Grape Juice

Season: spring

Actor: David Boreanaz, Anthony Head, Adrian Paul, Gary Sinise, Geraint Wyn Davies

Actress: Betty White, maybe Melina Kanakeredes from CSI NY

Music Genre: oldies and contemporary Christian



Movie Genre:

Movie: Highlander, The Stand, TLK, Spirit Stalion of the Cimarron, Balto, Apollo 13, Twister

Hero/Heroine in Movie: Connor MacLeod, Highlander, Stu Redman, The Stand

Villain in Movie:

Book Genre: fantasy I guess

Book: The Stand

Author: Kathy Reichs, James Gurney, Erin Hunter

Board Game:

Game Console:

Computer/Console Game:

Sport: Equestrian

Activity (Besides Sports):


Subject in School:




Email or IM:

Phone or in person:

TV or Radio or Internet:


Cats or Dogs: both

Day or Night: night

IM Service: AIM or MSN

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: no

Alcohol: no...well got spiked punch by mistake once

Cigarettes/Cigars: no



Lie: well yes but I don't mean to

Stole: a toy once from another kid

Attempted Suicide:no

Attempted Murder:no

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: sprained foot

Got in a fight, did you win: yes, no

Been shot: no

Want to go to college:yeah

Had an imaginary friend:no

Wanted to be the opposite sex: yeah

Had D?j? Vu:

Gone skinny dipping?: no

Walk around nude?: a few times but no one was around

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: yeah

Ever fallen in love?:no

If so, at what age?:

How many times?:

Ever been dumped?:

How many times?:

Ever made out?: no

Ever had Sex?: no

Looks or Personality?: both

Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: between

Believe in love at first sight?: yeah

Do you want to get married?: yeah

Define marriage and what it means to you:

Do you want/have kids?: no, maybe want

Boys name:

Girls name:

-The most-

Stupidest thing you?ve done:

Greatest thing you?ve done:

Funniest thing you?ve done:

Person/Place/Thing you hate:

Person/Place/Thing you love:

Country you hate besides your own:

Country you love besides your own:

Best feeling in the world:

Worst feeling in the world:

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: yes

Do you believe in Abortion?: no

Do you believe in Cloning?: depends on the circumstance

Do you believe in Guns?: to a point

Do you believe in War?: no

Do you believe in Hunting?: survival maybe otherwise not a fan

Do you believe in Taxes?: I guess necessary evil

Do you believe in Texas?:

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: no but I don't go around bashing either

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: sometimes

Was OJ Simpson guilty?:

Is Michael Jackson guilty?:

Bush or Kerry or Nader?:

Do you believe in Heaven?: yes

Do you believe in Hell?: yes


Hobbies: reading bike riding swimming computer games fanfiction drawing

Collections: coins, oddly enough a small stuffed vampire collection,





Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P

Most common emotion:

Perfect Pizza: cheese

What?s your favorite Memory:

Countries you?ve been to:

States/Provinces you?ve been to: IN, IL, MO, KS, AR, MI, OH, WI, KY, TN

What pet would you like: cat

Any additional information:

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: yeah