Ok i know i did this offiste, but its time i did it here, cause some things are a bit different.


First Name: Bradley

Screen Name (s): SimbaLKD, FuzzyLKD
Email: lkd@tlkob.com
Nicknames?: Fuzzy, LKD

Birth date: April 27th, 1985
Gender: Male

Ethnic Background: White.. Italian decent
Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Black

Freckles: Some =P

Moles: None

Scars: Some, one on the face

Righty or Lefty?: Righty

Religion: Agnostic

Political Party: Lib.

Country?: United States

State/Province?: Ca

Marital Status?: Single

Sexual Preference?: bisexual, but i love the laddies!!!!

Parents Divorced?: dead

Siblings? How many?: 2 brothers

Children? How many?: no. 0

Best Friend (s): too many to count

Pets (names and what they are): none atm

Job?: yes i have 2 starting up.. but only want one :P

Schooling?: HS 3.8GPA, some college, going back =P

Car?: 2, Ranger (truck) - Eclipse (car)

Play an Instrument?: No, well the keyboard sometimes

Glasses or Contacts?: Glasses.

Jewelry?: necklace and 3 earings

Tattoo?: nope

Makeup?: nope

Zodiac Sign: Tauras

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Ox


Animal: Lioness/Lion

Color: Blue

Country: Finland

State/Province: VA

Automobile: BMW M3

Shoe: DVS

Number:. 25

Food: Mexican

Fast Food Place and Food there: Nope.. dont eat it =P

Musical Instrument: Wind Pipe (african)

Drink (not just alcoholic): has to be alcoholic; Mia Tia

Season: Fall

Actor: nope..

Actress: nope..

Music Genre: all.

Singer: nope.

Band: nope.

Movie Genre: all.

Movie: TLK

Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba

Villain in Movie: Kovu, while he is a villian

Book Genre: non-fiction

Book: Born Free

Author: nope.

Board Game: Stregeto

Game Console: dont play consoles.

Computer/Console Game: HL2 PC

Sport: nope.

Activity (Besides Sports): Web Dev.

Website: mine :P

Subject in School: Science, mainly Bio

Store: all the same !

Gum: whatever :P

Candy: no hersheys!

Email or IM: IM

Phone or in person: in Person

TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

Flavor: all good :P

Cats or Dogs: Cats

Day or Night: Night

IM Service: MSN

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Yes, a few times, never again.

Alcohol: All the time, always :P

Cigarettes/Cigars: I smoke.. so!

Chew: only on planes.

Cuss/Swear: Guilty!

Lie: no.

Stole: once.

Attempted Suicide: never... ever!

Attempted Murder: ha! Nope!

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: never its really amazing too!

Got in a fight, did you win: yup, yup.

Been shot: been shot at, yes.

Want to go to college: yes!

Had an imaginary friend: nope.

Wanted to be the opposite sex: nope.

Had D?j? Vu: all the time. sometiles its scary!

Gone skinny dipping?: yup! =P

Walk around nude?: i have.

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: can be.

Ever fallen in love?: yup.

If so, at what age?: first time, 16

How many times?: 2

Ever been dumped?: not really

How many times?: 0

Ever made out?: sure have

Ever had Sex?: yup.

Looks or Personality?: Personality, a must!

Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: i dunno :P

Believe in love at first sight?: no, love at first meet, yes.

Do you want to get married?: no.

Define marriage and what it means to you: nothing.

Do you want/have kids?: no.

Boys name: nope.

Girls name: Kiria is a pretty name!! <3

-The most-

Stupidest thing you?ve done: hahahahaha! .... HAHAA!

Greatest thing you?ve done: save a life.

Funniest thing you?ve done: same as the stupidest!

Person/Place/Thing you hate: PARIS FRANCE!

Person/Place/Thing you love: Animals.

Country you hate besides your own: France.. yup.... mean people!

Country you love besides your own: Finland, England

Best feeling in the world: you all shopudl know the answer :P

Worst feeling in the world: rejection.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: A god, kinda.

Do you believe in Abortion?: how can it be belived in or not.. Im not for either side if thats what is being asked..

Do you believe in Cloning?:*sigh* i get it now... ok.... yes.

Do you believe in Guns?: yes.

Do you believe in War?: sometimes.

Do you believe in Hunting?: thats a touchy one, i like it better than canned hunting and farming... yeah.

Do you believe in Taxes?: they help.

Do you believe in Texas?: lol... texas.. fun place!

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: yes.

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: whatever floats your boat, so they say :P

Was OJ Simpson guilty?: i wasnt there.

Is Michael Jackson guilty?: jury said no... i wasnt there..

Bush or Kerry or Nader?: all evil :S

Do you believe in Heaven?: never seen it!

Do you believe in Hell?: never seen it!


Hobbies: Motocross... BMX

Collections: TLK Stuffs ^^

Goals: give a voice to the animals

Dreams: same as goals

Fears: fear.

Weaknesses: fear or fear.

Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P: sure is! :P

Most common emotion: Happy

Perfect Pizza: Mushroom from Madz ... *sigh* im hungry!

What?s your favorite Memory: Europe 2004

Countries you?ve been to: USA, Canada, Mexico, England, Denmark, Finland, France, Sweden, Ireland

States/Provinces you?ve been to: all but FL, AL, and HI in the USA and a few places i have not been to in canada.

What pet would you like: A lioness.

Any additional information: nope.

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: sure!