Woah, all that's pretty personal buddy, (talking to topic maker) but what the heck, it's fun. Gonna skip a little since the list is so long and I really don't have a lot of time. Here I go.


First name: Rachel
Screen name: As you see to your left
E-mail: Look above
Nicknames: Satan

Birth date: August 7, 1400
Gender: Female of course

Ethnic background: Whitey

Eye color: blue blue blue

Hair: Goldish blonde, used to be brown though before I highlighted

Freckles: Nope

Moles: one on the cheek

Scars: occasionally

Righty or Lefty: Lefty all da way

Religion: I worship the Lord and His Son Jesus Christ

Political Party: shove it

Country: The Merry Old Land of Oz

Marital Status: I feel so bad about what I did to all those guys.....

Sexual Preference: Those elven men in tights on Lord of the Rings...

Parents Divorced: No

Siblings?: 1

Children? How many?: ...might have...

Best Friends: I make n' break friends dude

Pets: 3 kitties + 1 doggie

Job: Crafts fo' Joe Anne's & da Fairs

Schooling: Quit sweetheart

Car: I have some car-sickness issues, so, I refused

Play an instrument?: Piano, banjo, flute, could go on forever baby

Glasses/contacts: No

Jewelry: a little bit

Tattoo: H*** no

Makeup: Won't wear it for the life of me

Zodiac: Leo

Favorites (oh boy...):

Animal: Red Fox

Color: Yellow

Country: Mars

to the rest

Food: Grass

Drink: Wata

Season: Fall

Actors/Actresses: Really don't give a darn

Music: Oldies radio man....

Villain: Look to your left, that's it, you can do it!

Board game: Jumping off a 100 ft tall building

Console: the Cube

Game: Zelda: The Twilight Princess

Movie: Barbie!!!!!!!!!!!! Just kidding

Subject in School: What school?

Store: Got my own buisiness, bud

Phone or in person: Since I'm usually telling people to shove it up their (***), I prefer phone, cause that way nobody gets hurt

Flavor: Cherry

Cats or Dogs: Love em both

Day or Night: Night......... Not so friggin hot

Im service: got trashed, sorry
Do you or Have you ever.....

Drugs/alcohol: Yes, hate em both:

Cigs: Let's see, can't use profanity here. Never mind....

Cuss: I do, can not you tell? Not proud of it though.

Lie: I used to practice

Stole: Only if one stole from me

Attempted Suicide: Dud, if you live here on wonderful planet earth, ya'll gonna have suicidal thoughts. That's that.

Attempted murder: sigh...... Just kidding

Broken bones: Yes

Fighting: Been in fights all my life

Been shot: I'm sure that some of my buddies would love to

Want to go to College: H*** no.

Imaginary friend: Come and play with my kitty.....

Wanted to be with opposite sex: Hmm... haven't I already answered this question?

Walk around nude: Oh yeah! (joke)
Love life, not that it's any of your buisiness

Is love real: Duh.....................yes

Fallen in love: Look up above... Oh hey, I just made a rhyme! So proud of myself...

If so, what age?: 12, 13

How many times? Baby you don't wanna know...

Ever been dumped: Sir, I dump THEM!....

How many times?: Well, I've dumped several...can't remember now, darnit...

Ever had Sex: yeah

Personality or looks: Neither matters. I wouldn't go out with a guy around my own age (or younger) if he were growing on my .....oop's I forgot, no profanity. Sorry.

Attractive or ugly: Are you telling me that I'm ugly sir?! How dare you!

Believe in love at first sight: Oh no, another duh..........yes

Want to get married: That's none of yo' buisiness

Want to have kids: Might have already... hmmm...

stupidest thing I've done: Type this up

Greatest thing I've done: become a Christian.

All that other stuff: Too lazy to answer

Best feeling in the world: God's mercy

Worst feeling in the world: God's wrath

Do I believe in God: Yes I do

Believe in Abortion?: H*** no. *shoots a ....* oops, no profanity, I keep forgeting

Cloning: No no no no no....exc.

Do I believe in guns: Yes

War?: Well, that's in Man's nature, I ought to know, I've known too many

Believe in hunting: Only if for food

Taxes: that's a different matter

Texas: Let me think...

Do I believe in Homosexual marriage:
NO :roars:

Plastic surgury: Ah, the vanity of Man...

Do I believe in heaven: Yes I do

Do I believe in Hades: If you coudn't answer this folks, you may just see it for yourself...
All that other stuff: look buddy, I've got a million purses to make, and I can't sit on my *** all day playing computer games like this

Do I enjoy questionares?: Yes, as you can plainly see that I was stupid enough to write this