I guess I'm obligated to do one too. Thank God no one ever really reads these things


First Name: Timo

Screen Name (s): ReVo, Stimba, Stibe
Email: tirsa_v@hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Just the ones above

Birth date: 10.01.1990
Gender: Male

Ethnic Background: Finnnnnish
Eye Color: Blue-Green-Gray

Hair Color: Naturally blond, but dyed black atm.

Freckles: yup, lots'of em

Moles: Not on the face area, thank God... mostly on my back.

Scars: A few, all below waistline.

Righty or Lefty?: Righty

Religion: Evangelic Lutheran (aka Christian)

Political Party: -

Country?: Finnnnnnland

State/Province?: Eastern Province ^^

Marital Status?: Sinnnnnngle

Sexual Preference?: Straight (aka women )

Parents Divorced?: Nope, still together after almost 40 years.

Siblings? How many?: 2 sisters (30 year-old and 28 year-old I think...) and one brother (23-24 I think...)

Children? How many?: None. Zit. Zero. Nada.

Best Friend (s): Classified (Naah not really, I just don't have any.)

Pets (names and what they are): We used to have a cat named Figo and a dog named Rasse, but they both died. So now we have no pets, but my sister has 2 cats, Mosi and Sisu

Job?: None.

Schooling?: In high school

Car?: None

Play an Instrument?: Piano and guitar. I try to sing also.

Glasses or Contacts?: none. yet.

Jewelry?: I just go with my class ring and a few necklaces here and there. My style prefers wooden jewelry though.

Tattoo?: Hope to get one someday

Makeup?: none

Zodiac Sign: Libra

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse


Animal: Lynx

Color: Black, White, Red, Blue, Green and Brown

Country: Finnnnnnnnland

State/Province: I actually prefer the Middle-Finland Province to my own.

Automobile: none

Shoe: I usually wear sandals or flat-bottom skateboarding shoes (though I don't skateboard)

Number: 7

Food: I love so many, I cant choose

Fast Food Place and Food there: Van't choose

Musical Instrument: Same here.

Drink (not just alcoholic): No personal favourite.

Season: Summer, I can wear light clothing

Actor: I like Christian Bale a lot.

Actress: None really.

Music Genre: Metalllllllllllllll!

Singer: I like so many, I can't choose.

Band: Same here.

Movie Genre: Anything but drama.

Movie: TLK (duh)

Hero/Heroine in Movie:None

Villain in Movie: None

Book Genre: None

Book: None

Author: None

Board Game: None

Game Console: I only have PS2, but I wouldn't say it's my 'favourite'.

Computer/Console Game: None

Sport: Snowboarding

Activity (Besides Sports): Playing music, Drawing, Speedcubing (please ignore that llast one xD)

Website: None

Subject in School: Music or Arts.



Candy: None

Email or IM: Both are fine

Phone or in person: Both are fine, but depending on the subject, in person is better.

TV or Radio or Internet: Internet.

Flavor: Salmiakki !

Cats or Dogs: Both are adorable

Day or Night: I like both in their own ways

IM Service: MSN, even though it sucks, most of my friends are there.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: No

Alcohol: Sometimes

Cigarettes/Cigars: I used to, but it was idiotic and I quit

Chew: Nope

Cuss/Swear: Yes, but I can control it depending on what company I am in.

Lie: Not more or less than any other person.

Stole: *cough* I used to steal candy when I was little *cough* xD

Attempted Suicide: Nope

Attempted Murder: Jeez, no! xD These questions could get someone in jail, you know!

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: I dislocated my shoulder once, does that count?

Got in a fight, did you win: Lol when I was about 11-12 xD. And yes, I won.

Been shot: Nope

Want to go to college: Probably yah.

Had an imaginary friend: Nope

Wanted to be the opposite sex: No, but I did relate to girls more than I did to boys in elementary.

Had D?j? Vu: All - the -frickin - time >.> It's creepy duude!

Gone skinny dipping?: of course

Walk around nude?: No

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yus

Ever fallen in love?: I'm not sure. Maybe.

If so, at what age?: Not too long ago. But I don't know, it might have been just a crush.

How many times?: Yah, I'm pretty sure it was a crush now. So that would make it zero.

Ever been dumped?: No

How many times?: 0

Ever made out?: Yes

Ever had Sex?: Nope

Looks or Personality?: Personality

Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: I think I'm mediocre, average.

Believe in love at first sight?: I'm not sure. Maybe not love at first sight, but love at first meeting.

Do you want to get married?: It doesn't matter to me. Sure, getting married would be great, but I don't see it as something I have to do to make my life complete.

Define marriage and what it means to you: Getting married legally. It just means that you acknowledge your relationship in a lawful level.

Do you want/have kids?: I don't like kids >.< . But I might change my mind some day, who knows...

Boys name: Dunno

Girls name: Dunno

-The most-

Stupidest thing you?ve done: I cannot recall, nor can I put things in my life in order that well

Greatest thing you?ve done: Same

Funniest thing you?ve done:Same

Person/Place/Thing you hate:I just don't like stupid or inconsiderate people in general.

Person/Place/Thing you love: Dunno

Country you hate besides your own: All Swedes down the well! (lol not really, it's just a Finnish joke xD )

Country you love besides your own: France seemed like a great place for the one week that I was there.

Best feeling in the world: Love

Worst feeling in the world: Envy

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Yes

Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes

Do you believe in Cloning?: Not sure. If it can be controlled, yes. But I'm kinda leaning towards "no"...

Do you believe in Guns?: No

Do you believe in War?:No

Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes

Do you believe in Taxes?:Yes

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: I think it's stupid, but if people wanna do it, it''s fine with me.

Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I haven't searched into the case a lot, but everyone says he did it, so.... >.>

Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I don't think so, but it doesn't hold an important spot in my belief system

Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Gaaaaahh!! *points randomly* Kerry

Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes

Do you believe in Hell?: No


Hobbies: Music, arts, martial arts, gym.

Collections: none

Goals: To be happy

Dreams: To find 'the one'

Fears: No big fears, really. Anything that is scary, is also overcomeable (wow that's not a word)

Weaknesses: Jealousy

Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P : I understand

Most common emotion: "Meh"

Perfect Pizza: Pepperoni, Ham, Shrimp, Cheese, Salami and kebab-meat.

What?s your favorite Memory: I have bad memory =/

Countries you?ve been to: Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, France, USA and UK (though I was in UK only 3 hours, while waiting for the flight to US lol )

States/Provinces you?ve been to: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio

What pet would you like: A ferret :3

Any additional information: You pretty much covered it all.

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: yes, but Gawd this one was looooong! x.X