
First Name: Julie

Screen Name (s): Simbaspirit
Email: bluebutterflylion@Hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Clueless, Fall Out Girl (not just cause of the band, i fal over a hell of a lot XD)

Birth date: October 06, 1992
Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: White
Eye Color:Blue.. very blue.

Hair Color: blonde

Freckles: in the summer

Moles: None

Scars: some

Righty or Lefty?: Right

Religion: Protestant

Political Party: eh.

Country?: Canada

State/Province?: BC

Marital Status?: Single

Sexual Preference?: Males

Parents Divorced?: yes

Siblings? How many?: 2 sisters

Children? How many?: nope

Best Friend (s): funny story, she ditched me for my ex..

Pets (names and what they are): Chance the Dog

Job?: nope

Schooling?: 10th grade

Car?: cant drive

Play an Instrument?: Guitar, Piano, learning drums, vocal

Glasses or Contacts?: both. i prefer contacts.

Jewelry?: i wear a ring i made in artmetal. its silver, and the word "history" is stamped in black letters.

Tattoo?: on my back, and right arm.

Makeup?: not too much

Zodiac Sign: libra

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Monkey


Animal: Wolves and Lions

Color: Purple and Black

Country: Canada, America

State/Province: California

Automobile: Something fast with no roof

Shoe: Black converse high tops

Number: 6, 33

Food: anything

Fast Food Place and Food there: i dunno. depends on my mood.

Musical Instrument: electric guitar

Drink (not just alcoholic): good coffee

Season: end of summer/beginning of fall

Actor: i dunno

Actress: no clue

Music Genre: rock, punk rock

Singer: not a big fan of singers

Band: so many. goo goo dolls, blink 182... im too tired to list more

Movie Genre: suspense

Movie: The Lion King

Hero/Heroine in Movie: Simba

Villain in Movie: Kovu, before he's devilainized

Book Genre: a good one

Book: Twilight series

Author: the person who writes the above books

Board Game: crainium

Game Console: PS3

Computer/Console Game:my macbook =)

Sport: Hockey

Activity (Besides Sports): music, msn, horsebackriding

Website: www.leahalalela.com, facebook

Subject in School: Socials 10E

Store: dunno

Gum: Bubblicious

Candy: M&M atm

Email or IM: IM

Phone or in person: In person

TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

Flavor: vanilla

Cats or Dogs: cats

Day or Night: night

IM Service: MSN

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: *sigh* yes i used to, and man have i suffered because of it

Alcohol: no

Cigarettes/Cigars: no

Chew: no

Cuss/Swear: more than i should

Lie: mhm

Stole: no

Attempted Suicide: almost. i was suicidal, i just didnt attempt.

Attempted Murder: no

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: did something to my tailbone while playing hockey

Got in a fight, did you win: no, and no

Been shot: no

Want to go to college: i think so

Had an imaginary friend: yeah :P

Wanted to be the opposite sex: not for a while

Had D?j? Vu: Plenty of times

Gone skinny dipping?: mhm

Walk around nude?: nah

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes.

Ever fallen in love?: yes

If so, at what age?: 15.

How many times?: 1

Ever been dumped?: no

How many times?:

Ever made out?: yes

Ever had Sex?: no

Looks or Personality?: Personality

Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: im not too shabby looking

Believe in love at first sight?: no

Do you want to get married?: Im not sure

Define marriage and what it means to you: id rather not answer this one...

Do you want/have kids?: depends on whether or not i get married

Boys name: Forrest

Girls name: Iris

-The most-

Stupidest thing you?ve done: got hooked on inhalants. yeah, im clean now btw. not without a struggle everyday though.

Greatest thing you?ve done: been able to save a few people from ending thier lives

Funniest thing you?ve done: dunno

Person/Place/Thing you hate: I really dont feel like talking about hate right about now

Person/Place/Thing you love: Brendan, The park in the middle of the ciry, my white fender guitar

Country you hate besides your own: non

Country you love besides your own: America

Best feeling in the world: Being loved by another person and you love them also.

Worst feeling in the world: knowing you are alone. wanting nothing more but to end your life.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: yes

Do you believe in Abortion?:no

Do you believe in Cloning?:no

Do you believe in Guns?: yes

Do you believe in War?:no

Do you believe in Hunting?: not excessivly

Do you believe in Taxes?: mhm

Do you believe in Texas?: its here isnt it?

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: it is up to the person

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: im not sure

Was OJ Simpson guilty?: whos he?

Is Michael Jackson guilty?: i believe so

Bush or Kerry or Nader?: nada

Do you believe in Heaven?: yes

Do you believe in Hell?: yes


Hobbies: being with people i care for, horsebackriding, playing music, listening to music, writing

Collections: none

Goals: to be there for anyone who needs someone

Dreams: to be known for music

Fears: Being abandonded

Weaknesses: i withdraw as soon as people get close

Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: without a doubt

Most common emotion: confusion.

Countries you?ve been to: USA, canada, cayman island, mexico, Bahamas (cruise ship XD)

States/Provinces you?ve been to: too tired to figure it out :P

What pet would you like: A lion cub that doesnt kill you

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: they kill itme.. why not?