Well, these first two semesters have been somethings else.. so much has changed. Sadly they have both come to an end. But anyway, I am packing all of my stuff up and saying goodbye to past experiences again. But to get to the point, I am of course going back home for the summer, and I will not be online for.. I don't know how long. I'm supposed to be getting internet up there.. dialup but internet none the less. I'll be staying over at my sisters for a few days before I head back home, she does have internet, so I might see you guys again before I head home. I'm just giving you all the heads up so you don't think I left or anything, I'm still here, just not here.. ya hear? xD

I'm packing my stuff, including my computer, up this Thursday or Friday. After that I can't guaranteee that I will talk to you again until August, cause ya never know ya know. But I do know that I will return! Until Thursday/Friday, I'm right here