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Thread: This will let you understand me more...

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    This will let you understand me more...

    I wrote it and I just finished it a couple seconds ago.

    The Invisible Girl
    An Essay by Suki

    Okay, first of all, why do I like Violet Parr? Why? Because she feels like a part of me. Violet is very shy and hides behind her hair because she feels unsucure of who she is. She trys to find who she really is but never tries hard enough and always thinks of the reasons that you can?t in life, and she?s just a sarcastic, gloomy teenager. How does this have anything to do with me? Because I?m a sarcastic, gloomy, no-good-in-her-life kid (I wouldn?t say teen, cuz I?m only 11 =P). I?m shy, and I hate going to phsycologists. They?re nosy, very nosy. I feel unsucure in my life, and everyone at my school hates me. I?m gangly and growing more gangly, I?m ugly,I have no curves, my friends are dorkier than I am, and I can?t talk but my brain won?t shut up.I try to talk to people at my school, but they just ignore me and I feel invisible in real life. Kids have pushed in front of me, talked about me behind my back, sat on me, and everything else that?s possible. I hate Caitlin and ?Ruthie? (that?s not even her real name, it?s Ruth *rolls her eyes*). Why? Well, when I was in fourth grade, I had just started at St.Colette and Ruth came up to me and said hi to me. We eventually became friends, and I went to her house sometimes too. We talked, we had fun, we played, everything. but then, one day, Ruth ignored me. I was confused and I asked Emily in the wall blocking the backpacks and coats with the original wall near the door, Ruth?s other friend, ?Why is Ruth acting all weird?? Well, I hadn?t realized it when I said it, that Ruth was behind me, at the end of the room, only a few centimeters away. ?I?m not acting weird. Im being myself, like i?ve always been.? she said, behind me. I turned around and thought, Whatever. She?s just an idiot. A freakin? idiot. I stared at Ruth and watched her get out of there. I turned around to talk to Emily again, but she wasn?t there. I realized she had left. I stared at the lockers, knowing this school would be horrible. As the days went by, I had to sit around, bored and lonely, at the 20 minute recess. I thought about why Ruth didn?t like me anymore. Then it hit me. Caitlin was originally her friend before I came along. She had turned jelous that me and Ruth became friends ands she felt as if I took Ruth away from her. After I found out they were friends again, at gym, I said to myself, ?Once upon a time there was a witch named Caitlin who was an idiot...? Unfortunatly, Ashleigh, Caitlin?s close friend, overheard and told Caitlin about it. After that, Ashleigh, Caitlin, Ruth, and Giselle, the other new kid, were making fun of me, bullying me, etc. I felt terrible. My so over.

    You?d think we sorted things out by fifth grade. No. That was never fixed, and never has. Ruth started protesting everyone would call her by ?Ruthie?. I thought that was the stupidest thing she ever did. She even signed her homework and her projects ?Ruthie?. I laughed for days, it was so dumb. Imagine your best friend Tiffany (I?m just using that name as an example) telling you, ?From now on, everyone must call me Tiffers or they will regret it for the rest of their lives!? Stupid, eh? Yes. I was friendless in fifth grade. No one cared. I remember Ruth telling me at recess, ?If you want to play with me, everyone has to play, not just us two!? I just said, ?Whatever...? When she had gone, I whispered to myself, ?...werido.? They even started calling themselves ?Rutherrrrrrrsss? or ?Tifferrrrrrsss? and ?Gisellerrrrrrsss.? I wanted to throw up. They even called me ?Meganerrrrrrrrrrrssss? once, and I rolled around laughing in my mind, but glaring at them on the outside. They lied, ?On the first day of school, you said, ?Hey, who?s that hottie over there?? and it was Andrew.? I said, ?No, I didn?t. I remember not doing that.? Then they just said, ?Oh, and you like William.? I stared at them like they were the ugliest thing alive. ?Whatever, losers,? I said.

    Now, I?m in sixth grade, I have a friend, but let me start at the beginning.It was like any other first day of school, all boring and no homework. I still hated ?Ruthie!!!? and Caitlin. They made fun of me and said even more tense mean things to me. ?Why do you like The Lion King?? ?Lion King is a baby movie. You?re a freaky weird idiot.? ?You draw lions too much.? ?Lions and big cats are crappy.? ?Why don?t you go back to your real home, on Loser Lane?? And they said even meaner things behind my back. ?She can?t draw at all.? ?Megan likes a baby movie!? ?She isn?t part of us.? ?Why is she so weird?? ?I hate Megan. I can?t even believe you were friends with an idiot, Ruthie!? ?I can?t believe me either. I was so stupid.? ?Lions suck! They smell funny and should be hunted and endangered and killed already!? ?I know! I hope they use lion skin soon and kill the ugly cat!? ?And what about her character Suki?? ?Suki? Who?s Suki?? ?She has a picture of her in her locker. She looks weird.? ?Oh, that? Yeah, it?s badly drawn.? ?I bet her nerd cousin drew it!? ?But she?s the youngest stupid person in her family.? ?So? Her family is full of nerds then.?
    That pretty much sums up the crap they said to me and behind me. After a couple months, I still was lonely. But then, that one day at P.E. with that one girl changed my entire life. Adriana was that girl. She had always played with her younger sister, Susie (Short for Susana) in lower grades. But now that she was in sixth, she couldn't play with her siser. Susie was in fifth grade. So Adriana warmed up to me on that P.E. day. We were playing a game called Pac Man (like the game) and she had waved, ?Hey Megan!? I smiled but was confused. Is Adriana actually noticing me for once? I?ve tried being her friend. Sitting near her at lunch in fifth grade didn?t work. She probably thought I was one of part of Caitlin?s ?posse?.Hmmm.... She did start talking to me and stuff after that, and we became friends. I was so happy to actually have a friend again. At least it wasn?t Ruth. That would be sickining. Nowadays, Adriana and I get together and stuff, and I asked her one day, ?When we?re in seventh grade, will you start playing with Susie again?? She smiled, ?No way! Susana thinks I?m a nerd cuz I wear my socks all the way up.? I giggled,? Don?t worry, I don?t think that. I do that sometmes too. I know I look like a nerd, but I don?t care!? Adriana laughed and the bell for the end of recess (It?s a 5 minute period recess now, which is easier) and we walked torwards the school. I looked at Adriana, happy that she would still talk to me in seventh grade. Luckily, I know we?re going to the same highschool. I said, ?Oops, I need to tie my shoe, Adriana, you go ahead,? and she shrugged and walked ahead. I didn?t really need to tie my shoe. I looked up at the sky, smiling.

    Dear God,

    I finally got to Breakaway!


  2. #2
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    Oh my... So touching...

  3. #3
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    O_o I think you can read faster than me. I'm the fastest reader in the school and I feel normal when I read.....*steps away* j/k

  4. #4
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    Sorry, I kinda read too fast... And type too fast...

  5. #5
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    Wicked new sig by the way, just saw it...

  6. #6
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    Originally posted by Merra'sSieria
    Wicked new sig by the way, just saw it...

    Also, I type too fast too O_o

  7. #7
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    I type faster than both of ya ^__^ I think.

    Nice Suki. =)

  8. #8
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    Arrgghh!! Must... Type.... Faster....

  9. #9
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    XD I don't really care

    Nice Suki. =)

  10. #10
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    Originally posted by Suki
    XD I don't really care
    Haha. Neither do I!

  11. #11
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    Night guys, I will either pass out or be seriously grounded if I stay up now...

  12. #12
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    It's amazing how immature people can get. And Suki, you are so much like me, I can relate to a lot of stuff that you said in that post.

  13. #13
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    Sorry to hear about that happening to you Suki.....but it's cool that you found someone cool to hang with and all.....screw those other people, they don't matter.....the only people who matter are the people who truely care for you.

  14. #14
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Hey Suki, sorry to hear about all the things that have happened to you. But I'm glad to hear that you've made friends with Adriana now, I hope you can continue to get along.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  15. #15
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    And remember we are always here for you!

  16. #16
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    Man Suki, you don't have to take that $h*! ! If that b*!ch bugs you again, you should look her right in the face and say f^(% you! Sorry for all the profanity, but I just can't stand for any bullying. Now that I'm in the 8th grade, I really don't get that crap anymore, but back in elementery school, I just stood there as they threw rocks at me (that happened one time, but small very small pebels they were) I was too stupid to give them what they deserve. I'm not saying you should go out there and start hitting people, but if that girl comes back again and bothers you, just tell her what I said. Anyway, glad you have a friend now, and you'll always be my friend, (as Violet will in my mind ) so glad your doing good.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Amaryllis's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Iestyn
    I can relate to a lot of stuff that you said in that post.
    same here...

  18. #18
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    Originally posted by PhantomBPR
    Man Suki, you don't have to take that $h*! ! If that b*!ch bugs you again, you should look her right in the face and say f^(% you!
    Ummm...yeah, I would probably do that, but can you say catholic school? ^_^; But I do say suck and crap there, usually when the teachers aren't around.

    Hold on, which "b**ch" do you mean? Caitlin or Ruth?

    OT: Ack, god damn headphones!!! I put them on a couple mintes ago and now they just play through one "phone"! I threw 'em on the floor though, lol. It deserves it. And those were my best pair of headphones! ;_;

  19. #19
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    Originally posted by Iestyn
    It's amazing how immature people can get. And Suki, you are so much like me, I can relate to a lot of stuff that you said in that post.
    yup yup.. same here

  20. #20
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    Don't look down upon yourself and get into the habit of doing so... you're still pretty young to be depressed.

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