Originally posted by va-kasi
Haha yes. One of the major differences between the two forums is thread bumping.

Stictly forbidden on Lilymud, strictly encouraged on Lea
Ha, funny, I was reading this thread thinking "Hmm, it's a couple pages back...I wonder if anyone'll get annoyed with me for bumping it up again?"
Though technically, threads have to be a bit older than that to be considered "unbumpable."

Air already said a lot of what I would have wanted to say. I'm a new member here and don't know much about it, but I like this place so far. I love TLK but I'm not as actively into the fandom these days, so Lilymud probably appeals to me more in the sense that we have a broader range of topics...it involves more of the fanart community and less of the TLK-specific fandom community.

I've been at Lilymud ever since the EZBoard days...I've watched it change over the years, go through good times and bad...and I still love the place. It's the only forum I really visit regularly and I can see myself remaining there for years to come, mostly because I've made a lot of good friends there, and I enjoy the discussions that go on.

I know some people consider Lilymud filled with drama since we tend to get the occasional controversial topic popping up...but honestly, I don't think it's really that drama-filled. I enjoy those topics, they're intellectually stimulating.

Oh, and for the record, that thread bashing Lea was NOT met with much kindness. If anything, I think it inspired a lot of Lilymud members to come check this place out. I also love seeing new members at Lilymud, so long as they follow the rules. I know we also sometimes have a reputation for being a bit strict, but as someone who's been there for a long time, trust me, our system works well for us. And there're definitely forums out there that're far worse.

As for the member activation problems, I'm a mod, not an admin, so I don't know all the technical details about that. We have seem to have had a few problems with those lately, but if you feel your activation is taking too long, just email a staff member (preferably an admin since they're the ones who can actually activate you, but I don't mind getting emails either...I just forward the message onto an admin) and they'll get you set up rather quickly.