I’m so sorry to read how much this virus has affected everyone here, and how much stress it has caused I really hope you all can recover from it all, especially Nathalie’s dad. You are all in my best wishes, and anything I can do to help you guys feel better, I’m still around I’m glad to also see some good news happening as well.

As for here... well, Mexico has a lot of cases, but compared to other countries it’s still among the less affected, I’m thankful for that. However, they’re still rising, so we can’t let our guard down. It can still (and pretty much will) get worse before it gets better. And everything from the bad health system to the people still going out in groups and ignoring the social distancing norms... yeah, I don’t see the curve lowering anytime soon xP

In my personal life, I’m doing ok. My job is pretty much paralyzed right now (dentists are at huge risk, for obvious reasons), I only see urgent cases, and even those I avoid as much as I can. Other than that, the place is dead. But I’m living with my family, and we support each other however we can, like doing chores and fixing things. So I keep myself occupied with house work, and I might use the chance to give the office a full makeover for when this madness ends.

My brother had been living in the US for years because of work, but they were laying off staff at the company he works at, and they ended up sending him back here to work for the Mexican branch temporarily. His trip back home was quick, but very calculated. We immediately put him in quarantine (he didn’t get infected, but it was better to make sure he didn’t bring anything with him, thankfully there were never symptoms). My sister kept working at the hospital for a while, but since a few cases of covid-19 began showing up there, they sent her home too.

I too had a couple of trips planned for this year that sadly had to be cancelled I really miss my girlfriend, we were supposed to be together around this week, and again in May for our first anniversary. At least I know she’s doing well where she lives (she’s from a southern state, but we usually visit each other often), and we help keep up the good spirits in each other <3

I can’t wait for all of this to be over.