I'm sorry you're both feeling the stress so much from this It's a mad world right now, and we can't do more than our best

Sweden is still staying relatively stable, and today during their daily press briefing they even said that the number of people in intensive care has gone down by a few cases in the past few days, so, that's... good!? Still too early to draw any conclusions and we still don't know when all hell breaks loose, but every day that stays on this level feels like a win... I'm seeing some international reports on the weird Swedish strategy too, which is amusing :')

R (the engineer-solider-"logic and science above all" boyfriend xP) is really good at staying calm and rational so far which helps me a lot too, but as cases build in our region I'm sure I'll be growing more skittish because I'm just like that, hah. Our region is second on the list of fastest-growing number of cases in the country at the moment :| We're not going to visit R's parents for a while now, since they're both in their 70s and his dad has pretty severe asthma. I won't see my family until this is over either probably, since I can only get to them by train and I don't want to use public transport right now... I was still hoping until the last couple of days that we might see the end of the worst of this by late April/early May, but that's definitely not happening. Oof.

But, yeah, on symptoms, I'm... starting to wonder if I might have had the virus? o_o After I came back from visiting my family three weeks ago (who had just returned from a northern Italy skiing holiday oh my gaaawd) I felt a bit off for a couple of days and felt like I might have had a fever, but when I checked my temperature I didn't. I had a somewhat stuffy nose and very slightly sore throat on and off for... two... weeks... that felt like a cold that was about to "break out" but never did. I didn't think much of it, because I only really noticed in the mornings and was fine during the day, but the other day I woke up feeling really good, like I do when I've recovered from an illness even though I haven't felt sick at all except for those two days. And... breathing is suddenly much easier? From one day to another there's been a definite difference. I've felt out of breath on walks lately and I've just put it down to me being so very out of shape and having no stamina, but now I'm like "waaait a minute...!?" No one in my family or their company have been sick since coming back from Italy (and there were 13 of them) and three weeks ago documented cases here were very few still - so where would I have got it from - and no one around me that I've met with since then has fallen ill, but the breathing thing feels pretty significant I wish the tests that can show if you've had the disease were available already because, not gonna lie, I'd be quite relieved if it showed that that's what this strange unidentified thing that I've had was :')