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Thread: Life in quarantine

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    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    Life in quarantine

    Seeing how many people CoVID-19 has affected, I thought I'd make a new thread, where we can discuss our situations, frustrations etc.

    After the outbreak that started in December in China, I was alarmed, but I didn't expect it to affect so many.

    Here in the Netherlands, they didn't take serious measures until a few weeks ago. And people are still pretty laid back in my opinion (the great weather the last days isn't helping). People are still allowed to go out in groups of 3 people max. Most stores have closed, including cafes, restaurants etc. There will be restrictions here until the 1st of June.

    We are spending our time with my partner indoors most of the time and usually go out for walks in the evening, as it gets tiring to be stuck in a 20m² apartment. In April we will move to a new place and somehow we hope it will all go smoothly. We had plans to get married in May and my parents were going to visit as well, but none of that can happen now. I am a bit sad about it all, but on the other hand it's most important that everyone stays safe. Everything else can wait and happen another time, so I can live with it. I just hope the situation can be contained soon.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I'm happy Bindi Irwin got her wedding day yesterday, but unlike her, we all don't own a huge piece of (private) land, or a zoo like they do to still have the wedding.
    I thought it was a bit ... thoughtless towards everyone else who's not able to get their wedding in these next few months. They aren't the only ones that were planning a wedding for about a year now.

    It's hard for us.
    Even though, in May we'll be together for 4 years, we've not been together like this.
    We are in a double bedroom (shared house), and do have a separate bathroom, but there's no where to go.
    We share the kitchen with 2 others, of who we don't know where they go, who they meet, so can they bring the virus back with them, you just don't know.
    The woman who recently moved in downstairs, the day that Boris announced we have to stay in, she was still having visitors.
    She'd better not bring anyone in the house for the next 3 weeks, because we will be knocking on her door to tell her to keep people out!

    Adam's home from work for at least 8 weeks.
    And we've never been together for so long, in this room.
    We were either at my apartment (oh, how I miss it ) which had 6 rooms, so plenty of room, or we'd just be out, doing things, go to the city, a zoo, things like that.

    So, I may end up killing him before these 8 weeks are up ...
    No time like now, to really get to know your spouse!

    For me, it's not much new I'm afraid.
    Been in this room for the past 1,5 years since I moved, since this loser can't find a job *sigh*.
    So I guess I'm kind of used to just sitting here, doing very little.

    We were supposed to go to the beach this Sunday, as his mom has her own holiday home in Yorkshire.
    With Adam now being home from work, we thought we'd go up there a week earlier, which would have been last Tuesday.
    The holiday park said it would stay open for owners, and people who have a card to get in, which we have.
    What better place to isolate yourself for 2 weeks, then a holiday home, at the beach, our own kitchen, 2 bedrooms.
    But then they made the decision to close, so whe're here in this house with a bunch of idiots.

    It is what it is.

    I've been going to the supermarket every day for the past 2 weeks, because we have only 1 shelf in the fridge, and not much freezer space either, so we can't stock up like some people do.
    And if people just wouldn't, there wouldn't be an issue
    I felt fine doing it, but then last Monday, I got such a huge scare, because people were even more close then they ever were, breathing down your neck.
    Coughing and sneezing with no protection, mouth wide open into the air, like, SERIOUSLY ???

    And on Adam's day off last week, we had to go to 4 different supermarkets, to actually get some food for 5-6 days, it's insane.

    My panic disorder is causing me to feel pain that may not be real either.
    It's really hard to tell now. As I'm so stressed out now, of maybe getting it, that my brain is starting to make the symptoms while I'm perfectly fine. But it's getting harder and harder to convince myself that I'm fine.
    So I'm on meds almost every evening now for the past few days to stay calm.


    So we've had some things planned, and none of them will be happening.
    Yes, I'm upset, but I do realize it's for the best now off course.
    As long as we get refunds on all the things. Which then, isn't all too bad, it's a huge chunck of money we'll get back.

    We were supposed to go to London today, to see the Prince of Egypt musical.
    We had booked it in January, was my Christmas present from Adam.
    We've gotten a refund on the train tickets last night, now just waiting for the musical tickets to be refunded.

    Then Disneyland in June. I'm not having good eyes on that either.
    As long as they keep the park officially closed, so should the hotels (the partner hotels), and we should get refunded on that too, aswell as Eurostar.
    Our annual passes expire end of June, and, The Festival of The Lion King was returning, so great timing.
    But even if it would be safe again by June, the festival wouldn't be happening (no time for rehearsels and such me thinks).

    A nice thing is though, the amount of days the park is closed, will get added to our passes, so who knows, maybe August/September.

    Then we were going to the beach again after coming back from Disney.

    And at the end of August, we wanted to take the bike to Belgium and surprise my parents.
    And then stay there for a few days.
    (I need my dose of Belgian food ...)
    I'm more upset about that, because I really miss the food, and just the country in general, and speaking my own language.

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  3. #3
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    I feel so sorry for everyone who had weddings, parties, travels and such planned for this spring Me and my partner were talking in October how we wanted to go to Paris/Disneyland in May or June this year, because we've never been on a bigger trip together, but since I'm still unemployed we ended up not booking anything. I'm kind of relieved about that now...

    Otherwise, like I said in the other thread, Sweden is still handling this very differently from a lot of other places. There have been no lockdowns, restaurants and cafés are still generally open (with certain restrictions) and the maximum amount of people allowed in one venue is still 500(!). Feels a little crazy considering a lot of other countries are now going with the 2-people-limit

    But spread has been kind of slow here until now and our government is following our experts' advice... The more I listen to their daily press briefings, the more I'm becoming a fan of our no-nonsense super well-read state epidemiologists, haha. Things have started to take a turn for the worse since last night though. And, like I said yesterday, now I wish they'd put the capital in quarantine, because the self-entitled Stockholmian brats are the ones who are gonna bring the virus to the rest of us significantly quicker with their ski trips and Easter travels So many of them seem to have no regard for anyone other than themselves and they will go travelling unless we force them to remain in their homes. Almost 50% of Swedish cases are in the Stockholm area and the rest of the country is furious with their rotten attitudes, hah.

    I'm still doing okay myself... I live alone in my flat and I've two supermarkets literally across the street, so I don't need to go far for shopping. I took stock of what I actually have in my pantry and freezer last week and realised I'm pretty well-prepared for a 14-day lockdown if it was to come to that. The main uncomfortable thing is that I still need to use the shared laundry room because I don't have my own washing machine, which seems like a pretty small problem compared to what others are going through...

    Yeah, I hear a lot about how quarantine will be a big test for a lot of relationships and families. I'm sooo glad I don't have any kids right now xP And my partner and I still live apart, so we can escape each other, haha...

    It feels like this week will decisive for the spread in Sweden and what actions the government will take. One professor predicted that we're 1/3 of the way up the "curve" now, but who can know. We just have to take it one day at a time... |
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    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I'd much rather be at home. My old room. Just a better feeling of being comfortable and feeling safe.

    I also don't get people saying "UK should go on lockdown" but it's mainly them people who are still out in groups.
    You really don't need the prime minister to tell you, to wash your damn hands, to stay away from people, just use your own common sense. All the deaths in the world due to this wasn't obvious enough already?

    My parents & sister have been inside for 2 weeks now.
    My mom gets 30 minutes inside the supermarket, and the one she goes to, has 2 by 2 meter squares on the ground, and only 20 people inside at a time.
    And not allowed to stand in the same square as someone else.
    I'm sure most of the country is doing it like this, I don't really know anyone anymore back home who lives elsewhere then my parents do.

    I've been having like, a cough, like once per hour, so naturally, I'm already starting to think I'll be dead within 2 weeks. As that's just what my brain does.
    But, I've just had a bit of a nasty cold over a week ago, and usually, it ends with having a bad cough, so it's probably just that lingering.
    Thankfully, I have about 90 chill-pills left, haha!

    Kanu, I'd wait until next year then to go to Disneyland Paris. Pretty sure it'll be back next year summer! (somewhere between June & September).
    As the festival prooved to be very popular last year. That's why they were doing it again this year.

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  5. #5
    Donut Face cleargreenwater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nathalie View Post
    I've been having like, a cough, like once per hour, so naturally, I'm already starting to think I'll be dead within 2 weeks. As that's just what my brain does.
    But, I've just had a bit of a nasty cold over a week ago, and usually, it ends with having a bad cough, so it's probably just that lingering.
    Thankfully, I have about 90 chill-pills left, haha!
    Meh, same. I've had a cough for about 3 weeks, then this week my ears are clogging up and post-nasal drip, it's probably allergies since it's that time of year. Of course I'm convinced my chest feels tight, but it's probably the constant anxiety causing it. Then my throat tastes funny, from the tooth infection. So all in all I'm convinced I'm dying. Plus I live with my mother who'se immune compromised, so naturally I feel like I'm going to kill her, too. It's rough. I don't have any chill pills, only these herbal chewy anti-stress things that don't do a damn thing for this level of anxiety.

    Other than that, not much has changed, I'm still working 5 days a week just from the laptop at home. It's nice to be able to pet my dog Wally while things are printing, he's very elderly and the silver lining to all this is that I've been able to spend this time with him. I've felt bad leaving for work the last few months seeing how old he's getting. So now I get to smush him up on the couch whenever I can squeeze in a break. I'll be sad to go back to the office when this is over.

    So I'm mostly just sitting around being sad and anxious, yikes. o_O Disney+, garden planning/preparing, and online genealogy is the only things saving me, lol.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cleargreenwater View Post
    Meh, same. I've had a cough for about 3 weeks, then this week my ears are clogging up and post-nasal drip, it's probably allergies since it's that time of year. Of course I'm convinced my chest feels tight, but it's probably the constant anxiety causing it. Then my throat tastes funny, from the tooth infection. So all in all I'm convinced I'm dying. Plus I live with my mother who'se immune compromised, so naturally I feel like I'm going to kill her, too. It's rough. I don't have any chill pills, only these herbal chewy anti-stress things that don't do a damn thing for this level of anxiety.
    It's terrible isn't it

    I've been thinking for the past 6 days, every single time I swallow "did that hurt?", "did that feel like a sore throat?".
    I've always had "bad ears". When it's very windy and I'm outside, the wind just goes through my ears, and it will bother me after a while.
    I think that's mainly what's also been going on. Due to wearing the bike helmet, since it's too big, a lot of wind goes through it, so my ears are very sensitive now.
    And it's all connected isn't it, ears/nose/throat.
    My right ear does hurt a little bit, and my throat all the way up, to the right going to my ear.
    Knowing all these things, 2 days ago I woke up in panic mode, feeling so sick, felt like I was going to throw up.

    Your chest feeling tight, is a symptom for anxiety, I have it too. Knowing this, I still think I'm going to end up dead because of the virus, lol.
    The mind works in a very strange way.
    I've got my Xanax and some other meds that luckily work very well when I'm feeling too much panic.
    2 days ago, I even had to call my doctor in Belgium, to ask how many I could take in 1 day.
    He's like: are you feeling very distressed today?
    I'm like: given the current situation, hell yeah ?!?

    And I've been outside today, so untill next week Sunday, I'm going to be stressing again a lot more.

    We went to the supermarket yesterday, and with all these new measurements, it felt even worse to be in there.
    Some parts were blocked off, arrows on the ground, and even though only a certain amount of people allowed in (security guy outside with a clicker), people are still RIGHT UP IN YOUR FACE!
    Whenever I was looking at something to get, an arm from a person next to me was sliding down my coat, like: dude, get away from me!

    Without realizing, I smelled a bag of pot-pourri today in the store, came home, put anti-bacterial handgel on my nose, haha!

    I'm very scared as to what this is going to do to my depression.
    I'm normally not one to stay inside and live in my bunker, but I feel that when this is over (if it ever will be), I may not even want to go places anymore.
    Untill there's a vaccin. I'd happily take a needle in my butt for this! (lol)

    Yeah, sorry, I'm not very positive. Not afraid to say, that this is scaring me a lot
    Not to mention life-wise, when looking at never finding a job, at least definately not this year, so my moral is just going down, down ... down.

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  7. #7
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    I'm sorry you're both feeling the stress so much from this It's a mad world right now, and we can't do more than our best

    Sweden is still staying relatively stable, and today during their daily press briefing they even said that the number of people in intensive care has gone down by a few cases in the past few days, so, that's... good!? Still too early to draw any conclusions and we still don't know when all hell breaks loose, but every day that stays on this level feels like a win... I'm seeing some international reports on the weird Swedish strategy too, which is amusing :')

    R (the engineer-solider-"logic and science above all" boyfriend xP) is really good at staying calm and rational so far which helps me a lot too, but as cases build in our region I'm sure I'll be growing more skittish because I'm just like that, hah. Our region is second on the list of fastest-growing number of cases in the country at the moment :| We're not going to visit R's parents for a while now, since they're both in their 70s and his dad has pretty severe asthma. I won't see my family until this is over either probably, since I can only get to them by train and I don't want to use public transport right now... I was still hoping until the last couple of days that we might see the end of the worst of this by late April/early May, but that's definitely not happening. Oof.

    But, yeah, on symptoms, I'm... starting to wonder if I might have had the virus? o_o After I came back from visiting my family three weeks ago (who had just returned from a northern Italy skiing holiday oh my gaaawd) I felt a bit off for a couple of days and felt like I might have had a fever, but when I checked my temperature I didn't. I had a somewhat stuffy nose and very slightly sore throat on and off for... two... weeks... that felt like a cold that was about to "break out" but never did. I didn't think much of it, because I only really noticed in the mornings and was fine during the day, but the other day I woke up feeling really good, like I do when I've recovered from an illness even though I haven't felt sick at all except for those two days. And... breathing is suddenly much easier? From one day to another there's been a definite difference. I've felt out of breath on walks lately and I've just put it down to me being so very out of shape and having no stamina, but now I'm like "waaait a minute...!?" No one in my family or their company have been sick since coming back from Italy (and there were 13 of them) and three weeks ago documented cases here were very few still - so where would I have got it from - and no one around me that I've met with since then has fallen ill, but the breathing thing feels pretty significant I wish the tests that can show if you've had the disease were available already because, not gonna lie, I'd be quite relieved if it showed that that's what this strange unidentified thing that I've had was :') |
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    Well, they do say that a lot of people experience just mild flu symptoms, or in some cases none at all. I hope you did have it Kanu, that way you'll have some immune protection at least.

    We are wondering about the same thing with my partner, as we live in one of the provinces in the Netherlands with the most cases. While he was still at work a few weeks ago (now he works from home), he got a cold and we both had it for about 10 days with some mild symptoms. We both hope it was the virus, but it could have been just a simple cold as well. Who knows...We do want to get tested, if there is an opportunity in the future.

    That aside, I can relate to Nathalie and CGW on the stress issue.I feel a bit choked from stress these days, seeing how this affects the whole world. Also, knowing that my family is 2800km away doesn't help(both parents over 60 with serious chronic illnesses). There won't be any flights to Greece for a few weeks, which also contributes to extra stress. At least there's a lockdown there and they took measures relatively early. The cases are few for now and I hope it will stay that way...Even though they fear for the worst in areas with immigrant camps, on the islands.

    Only good thing is that we can still go out, so a daily walk around the park and some fresh air does wonders. As long as the weather is ok, which was the case last week. It's almost April and I can't wait for summer to come. Warm weather and more sun, I need that so badly.
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    Donut Face cleargreenwater's Avatar
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    I've reached stage of not knowing what day it is. o_O
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    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    Am I the only folks who is definitely okay but getting reclusive on this lockdown? I had like a month day off with pay leave but I'm glad I have a ton of gaming backlog on PC. My boss called me on monday over stuff but it wasn't bad because they all asked me about my cloud access to work at home.
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    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Yeah, me too. I've felt really confused about what day it is all this week and have to really think to remember Otherwise things are still chugging along here, I guess... The number of cases is still going up, but it's at a fairly steady pace and I don't feel like the storm has hit us head on yet. I've been out and about in town for errands both today and yesterday, and the amount of people moving around town seems to be about the same? There are signs about social distancing and max amount of customers allowed in shops everywhere though. What's really sad is the amount of deaths we've had here =/ There's been a lot of cases in retirement homes, which is probably why, and it's really tragic that the sickness managed to get in there... I still wonder what the "judgement" on Sweden's strategy will be after all this is over... |
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    Not much has changed for me since everything got locked down. I'm considered a key worker, so I'm still going to work every day, though we did decide to split our team up and start working shifts, to reduce the risk of the whole lab having to be shut if someone gets ill (thankfully, I'm still being paid full despite only working half hours, so that's a win)

    So, I'm still managing to leave the house, and thankfully the food situation has gotten a lot better. A couple of weeks back I was starting to worry that I wouldn't be able to feed myself properly because all the super markets were empty, but that's not so much of an issue now.

    I have been using some of my free time to catch up with some gaming. In recent weeks I've played through Doom Eternal, the Resident Evil 3 remake and I've just started the Final Fantasy VII remake, which I'm about 10 hours into now. Something that has got me a little concerned, though, I have a trip to Florida to visit Disney World planned for the first week in September. It would have been my first trip there, and while it's not yet been cancelled, I am worrying that things will still be locked down then and I'll have to cancel it. Obviously, if that's the case it'll be for the best and I'll hopefully be able to re-book my trip, but it's still a little disappointing.

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    I’ve been incredibly productive during lockdown so far. I’m usually working but decided to take time off to not only protect myself, but since I’m still living at home, I want to protect my parents too (I work in a supermarket so have to work with the public, plus before lockdown when we went through the phase of panic buying, I was attacked by a man wanting to buy more than his share of toilet rolls ) So far I’ve cleaned the drive, painted the garden gates, done the garden several times, painted the hallway, cleaned the windows, and cars... maybe I should stop now before I run out of things to do.

    I also second that I’m losing track of what day it is. I’m getting tired of watching the news and listening to all the negativity coming out of it. I think we could all do with some good news, but I hope you’re all staying safe and well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aphelion View Post
    Something that has got me a little concerned, though, I have a trip to Florida to visit Disney World planned for the first week in September. It would have been my first trip there, and while it's not yet been cancelled, I am worrying that things will still be locked down then and I'll have to cancel it. Obviously, if that's the case it'll be for the best and I'll hopefully be able to re-book my trip, but it's still a little disappointing.
    September is still a long way from now though, so here's to hoping that the situation will have improved to an extent until then...

    But yeah, on cancelled trips...I am concerned as well, as I want to try and visit my family in Greece sometime in June-July, but still don't know how things will be. It's just waiting and hoping for the best.
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  15. #15
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kossu View Post
    But yeah, on cancelled trips...I am concerned as well, as I want to try and visit my family in Greece sometime in June-July, but still don't know how things will be. It's just waiting and hoping for the best.
    I had a trip planned to the Greek Islands in June with my family, but we had word from the tour operator last week that it was going to be cancelled, so we’re now waiting for a refund, although I bet they will try to get us to accept vouchers or move it to a later date. It’s disappointing (we were all looking forward to our holiday) but it was to be expected.

    I’m sure when all this is over with, we’ll all be able to enjoy travelling again.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    For my personal update? the Oil and Gas business is running but we haven't got any important document to go to the office atm.
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    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    I feel even less quarantined now than before Probably because I've had so many errands to run in town this week, and by the amount of people I've seen while out and about, I'm guessing others feel the same... It's still not "carry on as normal" by any means, like I've seen some international reports say. Signs and warnings everywhere, stickers on the shop floors, plexiglass shields by every till. A big fashion chain just filed for bankruptcy today too, because of the business lost by the crisis. No one travels.

    The Public Health Agency have been reporting that the spread seems to have reached a "plateau" in the capital and we're seeing pretty much the same amount of new cases from day to day though. Half of the deaths are from retirement homes, which is really tragic... But considering the conditions the carers have to work in I can't say I'm surprised, sadly... Hopefully we'll get a massive overhaul of the system once this is over

    It also turns out that Sweden records deaths from Covid-19 differently from some other countries, so our numbers look really high compared to our neighbours, which is interesting Oof, numbers... I think fixating on graphs and data visualisations has been my way of coping with it all.

    I really, really look forward to when this is over. I'm never going to take seeing my family and friends for granted ever again |
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    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    I feel like so much has been changing over the past month for me and Petteri. I believe San Francisco was the first city in the U.S. to mandate a "shelter in place" order which started on March 17. At first it was to last until April 7, but it has now been extended to May 3. Basically it just means to stay home as much as possible. You can go out for walks to get exercise, and shop for only essentials like food and medication. And of course, make sure to social distance, keeping a six feet distance from people that you don't live with. Restaurants are only open for take out, if they are open at all. (Some are just closed during this time) We did order some take out a few days ago, for the first time since this happened. I thought it would be good to try to support some local businesses at this time. We ordered some Chinese food.

    Petteri and I are mostly homebodies, we like spending time at home, we like to play video games, go online, watch YouTube, TV shows and movies. Of course we like to travel and go places too, but we can enjoy our time at home, so we don't really have a problem with it right now. Petteri also likes to play games on his computer, and I like to draw... (And I really should be working on my animated short so I can finally finish it!) So we don't really have that hard of a time staying home like some people do. Sometimes I do get a little bit of cabin fever, and I want to go for a walk outside, to get a little bit of exercise and fresh air, so I usually do that about once a week or so. If I feel like I want exercise but don't necessarily feel like I need to go outside, I will play Ring Fit Adventure on my Nintendo Switch. That game is fun and it really makes me work up a sweat when I play it! Petteri and I have also been playing a ton of Animal Crossing too.

    When it comes to our jobs, I work at Whole Foods, which is a grocery store. My job is essential, so I was never worried about losing my job. People are always going to need food. Things started changing rapidly at my job just over the last month. There is no more coffee bar, or salad or hot bar. (Which was sort of buffet style food, and the food was priced per pound). People would normally help themselves to putting the food in the food container and then a cashier would weigh it when ringing them up. There is temporary no more seating to eat at our location. Plastic "sneeze" guards have been installed at every register. Each cashier is at every other register to maintain social distance between the registers. There is markers on the floor to remind people to keep a distance of six feet between each other. We spray and wipe down the registers between every customer with disinfect spray. We now have always have an employee at the cart return area to spray and disinfect the carts and hand baskets. We have to wear gloves, (which I change often) and just recently, we always have to wear a mask. Customers are not allowed to bring in their own reusable bags in the store, and if they do, we ask them not to put their bag on the counter. For the first hour of the morning, is for shoppers age 60 and over only. We normally close at 10:00 pm. But then it was changed to 8:00 pm. Then just last week, our hours are now that we close at 1:00 pm. They are doing this so our store can focus on doing online orders only, since so many people are doing online grocery orders through Amazon Prime. We are the only Whole Foods store in San Francisco that is closing at 1:00 pm currently. So customers have the option of shopping at a different Whole Foods store after 1:00 pm if they need to. Honestly I kind of like this. I like working in the store with no customers, it limits our exposure to so many people. I don't mind doing Amazon Prime Shopping.

    Petteri worked at Car Rental place. I was a bit worried about Petteri's job, I don't know if rental cars were considered essential? But there are people in San Francisco who don't own a car, but they rent cars every once in a while. I guess because it's considered transportation, it is considered essential.

    So I thought his job was safe. His hours weren't being cut either. But when he went to work last Tuesday, after working for a couple of hours, they sent him home. His job was terminated. I was mostly worried about this because we get our health insurance through his job. We will get health insurance for one more month, but that is it. I wish his job was furloughed, where we would continue to get health insurance through his job. So now I am trying to get health insurance for us through my job. I only work part time right now, and I have to work full time in order to qualify for health insurance. If I start working full time soon, I can get health insurance by May 1. If not, it will have to be June 1, as they can only start it the first of the month. I did talk to my HR and my boss. He is going to try to see if he can get me to start working full time soon, but he is not sure yet if there is enough in the team's labor budget to do that for me, he said the manager will look into that for me next week. But if that is not available for me, I might have to transfer to a different department that has a full time position available, or transfer to a different Whole Foods store... I honestly hate the idea of working full time, my shoulders and back hurt quite often after working a shift, but we have to do what we have to do. I am grateful I have a job still. And Petteri told me he will handle the cooking and cleaning. I guess for now he will be a house husband.

    This is all a little stressful for me, worrying about health insurance. That is something I hate about this country, that health insurance is so dependent on your job... I think everyone should have the right to affordable health care no matter if they have a job or not... But anyways, I know we will get through this. If it's not until June 1 we get health insurance, we will only be without health insurance for about two weeks.

    Petteri still got paid for a full day's shift that last day he was there, and he will be getting severance pay for seven weeks. He also applied for unemployment, so he will get getting that soon. He is going to use this time to try to work on coding and programming, so he can try to eventually get a job in his field. (He graduated the end of last year with a computer science degree)

    All things considered, it's not the worst. Gotta stay positive and support each other. We are healthy, well at least I hope so! I know some people feel fine and don't show any symptoms even if they have COVID-19.

    Hang in their guys, we will get through this.
    Last edited by Sharifu; April 19th, 2020 at 07:10 PM.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
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  19. #19
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Hey Audra, good to see you again! Hope you and Petteri are well. You too Kanu!

    Yeah, I work in a supermarket too. I’m currently not working for reasons mentioned before, but I heard they closed the in-store cafe and salad bar. They have installed perspex screens to the checkouts and are limiting the amount of people coming in at any time, they also provide PPE like face masks, visors etc. But I heard today that at the store I work at they were letting in far too many people at once, and therefore no social distancing was happening. So I’m glad I’m not there at this point in time.

    I do try and go out for a walk, whether it’s walking my dog or just going for a walk on my own. I live in a nice village now near the countryside, where there is a canal and river nearby, so it’s not so bad. I also have a garden, so when the weather is nice I can sit outside for some fresh air. I really feel for those who live in tower blocks or flats with no garden. And I feel for those who live alone. Hang in there.

    We have a good health service here in England. We show our gratitude by dedicating a time (8pm on a Thursday to be exact) to applaud our health service which is the NHS. Last night everyone was out in our street clapping, sounding car horns and cheering. We even had fireworks last week. I hope it helps the heroes working in our health service feel valued and get the recognition they deserve.

    Yes, hang in there everyone. Stay safe, stay well. We’re all in this together. <3
    Last edited by King Simba; April 17th, 2020 at 10:11 PM.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  20. #20
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Yeah... Some idiots gather round on bridges in London to clap, thus, defeating the purpose to clap for key workers.

    Our Tesco yesterday was a disgrace.
    Just a normal day, letting EVERYONE in.
    I've never felt more scared being in a supermarket since this whole thing started.

    Good and well outside, everyone is over 2 meter apart.
    Once inside?
    One BIG joke!
    No one cares, no one gives a damn.
    People continue to rub against you, breath down your neck.

    And certainly no stores clean the self check out tills after every customer.
    Not the Tesco, Asda, Poundland, Aldi's, Morrisons we've been at.

    Sorry to hear about STM

    As for me, yeah, not doing good.
    Not good at all.
    Just another thing to mess me around and make my life worse then it already was.

    Story of my life really.
    Last edited by nathalie; April 18th, 2020 at 04:03 PM.

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