Exhiting time Kanu, moving in!

We got back from another week at the beach *yay*, this time for my birthday.
Great weather, so got very lucky. Though, yesterday was very cold and freezing on the bike. I hate that thing as of now, until spring, can't go anywhere really, unless to the store, no more then 30 minute rides for me, or I freeze, or the strong winds in winter will smash my head inside the helmet, or the strong winds will smash it actually of my head.
But you know, vicious circle and all, need job to get car, need car to get job.

Now back in this house filled with retards.
Not once have I been in the kitchen in the past 3 weeks, where the other guy doesn't walk in. He's alright, but I can't do my stuff in the kitchen when others are walking in, looking at what I'm doing, it makes me uncomfortable.
Vicious cirlce again. No job --> no new appartment & no car --> no job.


At least we managed to go places this time. 2 weeks ago, 60-70 km/h winds made it impossible to really go anywhere on the bike.
York was really nice.
Had been there 2 or 3 years ago, but only seen Primark & Disney Store, lol, but this time saw most of the town center.
Went to Whitby, been there before, but just went to get out, lol. Still a nice place, not really special, but it looks nice.
On the way back "home" we stopped in Doncaster, what a dump it doesn't look nice at all, and Adam got approached by more homeless people in 10 minutes then at Euston station