Quote Originally Posted by Kossu View Post
Sorry to hear that Kanu.
Can you at least stay at your current job?
It seems that way - my contract currently runs out at New Year's, but the way my manager is talking it doesn't sound like they have any intention of letting me go anytime soon. So, that's something at least My wages are offset for some reason I didn't understand, so I get the current month's payment by the end of the following month. It's reaally frustrating and it's meant some bending over backwards to get things to work these past few months... But, I should be catching up now. In the coming weeks I'm going to be moving in with my partner, so shared rent should do something to help my finances too

Sorry to hear you had to go that far for your refund, Nathalie. It sounds really stressful :C Hope you'll be able to get it back.

I'm currently doing some final edits to a commission. (It's the second to last one on my list and I can't waaait to be done with them!) That and drinking tea with honey for my very sore throat No office work for meeee. Agaaaain. Argh!