Yeah, the self-isolation thing isn't really out of the ordinary from how my past year has been anyway Just normal routine, ha. I went shopping yesterday though and I too managed to find toilet paper in the store The stockpiling here has been really specific, so except for a few items - like toilet paper and pasta - the shelves have been stocked as normal. That feels comforting somehow. The situation feels pretty calm in Sweden overall still, even though the amount of confirmed cases is rising steadily. Our government is still handling this pretty differently from a lot of other countries, and so far so good I suppose.

Our prime minister addressed the nation on Sunday, which hasn't happened since the election of 2008, and didn't announce any lockdowns, like I was sure he would. Instead he told everyone that we are all personally responsible for the days to come... "Once in a generation there will be a time when you have to make sacrifices for not only yourself, but for the people around you and for our nation. That time is now. That day has come." I hope it resonated with people, because everyone outside of the capital are furious at the self-entitled Stockholmian brats who are still going on their skiing holidays in the north, despite Stockholm being the Swedish epicentre of the outbreak

And same about job applications. No one is recruiting actively at the moment, for obvious reasons, so who knows how that will go come June, when I run out of unemployment insurance funds

Currently I'm otherwise procrastinating a bunch of house chores I've planned today... (I just don't understand how the kitchen becomes such a mess so quickly... )