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Thread: SPOILERS: New movie chat

  1. #21
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    You call it the Cristina Aguilera way, I call it "going all Mariah Carey" haha

    Banzai and Ed were completely changed, new names and everything.
    The biggest shame is, they took 2 comedians to voice them, and I personally didn't notice that at all.

    They could have never forced the original voice actors anyway.
    Matthew for example is doing his own thing, doing plays, being on stage, he's in London now for the past few months doing his play, so I doubt he would have had time to do the voice recordings if he wanted to, as he needs rehearsels, and did theater at the time in the US aswel.

    The voices from the cubs could have been the adults now, that would have been cool to see. But JTT's voice would not suite adult Simba in any way.
    Niketa Calame was at the US world premiere though.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member Leorgathar's Avatar
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    Ah yes, about that Beyonce's overdone, showoff, Christina Aguilera/Mariah Carey style singing... yeah, it made me cringe too xP
    And it's not just the singing, it also changes the whole mood of the scene. CYFTLT is supposed to be a calm, soothing song. It's a serenade for lovers, not a national anthem.
    It's also why it's supposed to take place during twilight moving towards night (Where's the "sweet caress of twilight"?).

    And... this might just be me, I don't know, but I like more the idea that it's an external voice singing and not the characters themselves. In the original movie it's not really Simba and Nala singing the whole song, but rather a sort of narrator voice singing about how they're both feeling. The word "love" may not even be in their minds at that moment, it's just happening to them. They're not telling us in their voices that they're falling in love, they're SHOWING us how they're falling in love with a lovely song in the background about love.

    In the 2019 movie, both Simba and Nala are basically screaming it themselves to the audience, "I'm falling in love with this other lion!!!", and it feels like it comes out of nowhere, no build up to it, no expressions to show it, it's just "Yay! I met my friend again! and now we're suddenly in looove!"... only to have a little argument and decide that was all for nothing and part ways before night even begun -.-

    "There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
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    Lea users I've met in person: King Simba(x7), This Land(x2), KanuTGL(x2) and Lion King Stu(x1)

  3. #23
    Aka STM (Administrator ) Sadiki's Avatar
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    Quite interesting to see what everyone have thought of the new remake. I have tried to keep all spoilers to minimum for the whole making of it, with just watching the trailers and all and trying to get as authentic normal viewing as you can by being part of the fandom. We saw it a little over week ago on Friday, but as we have had our nephew visiting, I haven't had much time to be on computer so haven't shared any thoughts until now. I will say wont have anything to say about the cast as I grew up and seen the original movie about 800 times and only about dozen in English so the I don't think I'm fit to compare the voice cast.

    Also, I'm not sure if people were aware that there is build in spoiler wrapping on Vbulletin. to use it just write
    [SPOILER = "whatever you want the spoiler button to say" and close it with square bracket

    "your story goes here"

    when finished
    write [/SPOILER and close it with square bracket

    Lea members I have met: Fuzzy, Naline, Boos, Ruska, Tima, Talfasi, JambaB, Sharifu, Vidan, Muruwa, Taneli, Shadow, nathalie, Lucy , Amaryllis, This Land, Daniel, Lion King Stu, King Simba, Nephilim, KanuTGL, Lion_King_300, 2DieFR, Kenai, A-non-a-mus, Eva Janus, dlb138, Levin, HasiraKali, Revo, Simba The Enigma, Azerane and Xacheraus.

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