I'm afraid about how am I going to avoid spoilers. Seems like everyone is seeing this on opening night. I probably would have too (even though I'm not really excited about this movie) but I am going out of town this weekend for almost a week. I'm going to Oregon to visit my family, but it's basically to pick up my nephew and bring him to California to visit me and my dad for a month this summer. I could see the movie in Oregon for the first time with my mom and nephew while I am in Oregon, but I feel like I should wait to see it for the first time with Petteri. I know it seems silly, but The Lion King is such an important movie for us. I mean, after all, it's because of The Lion King we met each other. Even our room mate is going to see it opening night. I'm sure everyone is going to be talking about it on Social Media too... Maybe I should just avoid Facebook that first week. We will be seeing it the second weekend though. I'm going to take our 9 year old nephew with us to see it too. He's the same age I was when I first saw the original The Lion King.