We should be talking about this

What did you guys think about it?
Personally I thought it was quite a let down that it was all just a set up for what's to come in the season and that Scar didn't show up until the very last minute ><

But that aside, it was still a pretty interesting episode/movie, especially since it explored the nature of being able to talk to the Great Kings of the past with more detail, as well as the function of Rafiki's staff.
I quite liked Makini, she's a great new character and I can't wait to see more of her (she and Kiara seem to be getting along well x3). It was also nice to see Ushari finally taking the role of a villain after many episodes of him just being a grumpy cobra.

And of course... Baby Kion!! ... BABY KION!!!!

So cute ^^ <3