Thanks for clearing it up!
You have to register for discord/make an account, right? Do you need a special software? And how did you find out about this?

So if I get everything right... This is something like Skype, Teamspeak or Mumble and you'd like to create a "channel" for members here to join? So that you can post messages or even have voice chats?

I've just experienced something similiar on my German TLK board a few months ago. A user there has opened a skype group for forum members to join where they can talk about general things and also have a real voice chat.
At first, I thought we didn't need another chat. I'm more a "forum person" meaning that I don't have much time to spare and I prefer to read and take my time. In realtime chats things are happening so fast that I can hardly keep up XD
When I play DayZ together with some friends (also members of the German-speaking TLK discussion board), I also use mumble. There we talk about the game, but also about a lot of other things. It's nice, but I don't consider it as a part of the forum and it's not for forum members only But I had a hard time to install mumble and start using a headset... I'm rather shy and I'm not very comfortable with using a phone XD
However, I started to feel comfortable in my group and so I don't have any problems at all. But I still don't think I have the time to join the skype group of my forum. I appreciate the idea and the members seem to like it, but I'm afraid I can't handle everything (forum, work, family, houswork.... you name it!).
So I haven't joined the group yet. Lucky for me, I don't get the feeling that I'm missing something or that other people are talking about things I should know. So as you can see, having a voice chat surely is a nice addition to a forum for those who love things like that. But for people like me, it's also okay not to join in. If that's respected, I'm all in for it