Quote Originally Posted by Azerane View Post
I always hear this, time and time again. You can bond more with dogs, it's just not the same with cats to me it just means that you've never bonded fully with a cat IMO.
Well, I've never had a cat as a pet so haven't bonded with one that way, but I have felt somewhat connected with various cats in the past. A while ago some of my neighbours cats came round during the day to be fed and played with. One cat in particular came round for years and we developed a close bond with her (even before I had a dog). When she was about to be taken to the vet to be put to sleep I was that upset I couldn't bare to see her before she was taken there. And as I said, my sister has a cat now too, and while she is away my mum and I go to her house to feed and let him in/out, and also play with him for a while. He knows who we are because we go to her house every week for dinner.

So yeah, while personally I feel I can bond more with dogs (purely because I haven't had the chance to own a cat as a pet. The reason for that is that my mum doesn't want cats in her house ) I do still think you can develop a deep connection with a cat.