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Thread: Your family!?

  1. #1
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    Question Your family!?

    Time to put things in retrospect. This is a thread that you can comply about your biological/adopted immediate family. It doesn't matter to me how you comply about this scenario, just say what you want about them & try to be as truthful as possible.

    My mother: She's an outstanding person, well organized about her life. She has very little negativities about herself, which in my standpoint is very good. Her vocation is becoming more successful as days go by. So, I classify her as a upstanding/morally upright loveable kind of gal.

    My father: Here is where I start to "burn some bridges," his personality kinda runs borderline with mine, then crashes into a ditch somewhere. Awesome guy to know, until, he hits the bottle.--He becomes very vindictive. He starts to lack sensibility of one's feelings immensely.

    He starts to undermine you until you get imperceptibly. He becomes very tyrannical to the point of no return. I've learned to ignore him, so I let bygones be bygones.

    My siblings: 3 sisters, all highly disrespectful to just about everyone. One of them is a geneticist (Lord help me), and the other two are Wal*Mart associates or whatever. I really can't say much more about them, because, I get really sick to my stomach.

    That's about it... I'm done.

  2. #2
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    Great's almost like meeting your a way.

    My Mother: I get a lot of my personality from her. She has a great heart and she has always been there for me, and I will return the favor. She has been through a lot lately and she has shown that she's strong enough to make it through.

    My Father: Taught me how to be a man. Never hurt me in the way his parents hurt him. The greatest man I ever knew. Made many mistakes, yet was always quick to let me know that they were the wrong decisions in life. Rest in peace.

    My Sister: The opposite of me in personality in many ways. Works hard for what she wants. Will never let anything bad happen to her. She and I will always be apart of each other's lives.

    My Grandma: She is as strong as any rock. Always willing to help me out when no one else is willing to. I would say she looks out for me more than I do for her.

    These three people are the most important people in my life...anyone who does them wrong does me wrong. My house will always be open to them.

  3. #3
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    Originally posted by lion_roog
    Great's almost like meeting your a way.
    Thanks, clone of mine.

  4. #4
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    ...and yet we each are different in many ways....I think.....

  5. #5
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    my sisters

    White scar " travling alot sens she is very sucsefull in water polo and now a days playing in her band....but those time i see her we have really fun....have allways taken "bad names" sens she protected me when we where very small but she didnt care....she still dont hasetat at even beaten some one up if they tutsh very strong....and short

    she is the type you wreseling whit...our riding a rolecoset....and when you fell sad she is allways careing and lisening......

    White hair "Jenny"

    she have allways bin the one you culd...go and talk to....she....toke a huge step in mature when....the....thing whit mum....she started clening and doing all those mothers stuff at 14-15 years old sens dad culdent do all.....she have allways said if i hade nightmeres and stuff i culd go in to matter how late.....i used to do that alot befure when i culdent handel my nightmeres when i cryed ether way she came in our i walked in to her "this was a long time ago" she allways dubel check that am ok and stuff like that.

    this X mas she is going to finland to celebrate there whit her B/F so i was up and she hugged me and said that she loved me and i will see her next week.....she is like to say it....just some one you can talk to and fell loved and stuff..... we all know the oldest sister and the youngest brother just dusent fit some times we hade our little fights.....

    The White eyed sisters "bohf"

    befure they where shoting me out naturly they are girls...but the last two years they are like....strangre

    i mean how takes there little brother too ,partys, discos,Cinema, and on rolecosters and stuff.....and think its fun ?

    i mean....they put on whit me....and that enughe i say....

    Dad=no nick name yet XD

    well...aint much to say abut dad....

    exsept that i love him deaply and allways will hes funy some times akshely ^^ my dad is great.....

    Grand pa and grand ma "fathers side"

    those are great
    loving careing they even boroed my TLK movies

    Grand ma is just....crazy... she loves the song in the jungle and loved the wole TLK movie....and so is grande pa....he is an artist ^^

  6. #6
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    Right, my turn...

    Me Mum - She works a lot harder than most people give her credit for, and I must admit I'm not always the first person to congratulate her on something But she's a top lass and will continue to be for years to come

    Me Dad - Not one to get on the wrong side of. We've had our share of arguments and exchange of words, and sometimes people may have heard me say "I hate my dad" which just isn't true. He's done so much for me in my 17 years of life

    Me Bro - This guy has absolutely no idea which sports teams to follow ( Leeds United & Leeds Rhinos ) But, he's always there for me and is great for a laugh and all in all he rocks!

    And of course there's me

    Those are the 3 people I live with, I could mention my Aunts and Uncles and Grandma's but I can't be bothered

  7. #7
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    Interesting... Ok i've been roped in (BTW id like to have a chat with you on MSN )

    Mum (Notice the Australia Spelling ): Great person, one of my best friends... Works to hard and puts work first, but i guess thats the was shes been brought up... Always been suportive of me & i love her for who she is... Tooo, over protective and needs to let me have a better social life, and is way too stressed because of work... But yeah...

    Dad: Don't talk to hm much... Actually he's more of just a friend, i barely see him (Parents are divoreced) I love the guy, but then... I duno, i guess hes just a bit old fashioned in is ways... It pisses me of knowing what happend between my parents and how he trys to cover it up and make it looks like mum's fault, but what ya gona do...

    Step Dad: Great Guy! Most people think hes my dad which is awesome! Im lucky hes around! He works tooooo much also, and is always the joker! (Being a POM... Hehe, he does the best accents too!) I love him, and thank mum for marrying him..

    Half - Sisters

    - Sam -

    Not talkin to her at the moment bt then again niether is most of my family!

    - Dori -

    Just started talkin to her again (She lives in America we lost touch 7 years ago) Great girl! Hope to meet up with her again someday, ive only ever seen her once!


    My Grandpa is a great guy... 92 years on and im afraid he hasn't got much in him

    Grandma! Great lady duno what else to say!

    Oh yeah thats about it! Oppps Forgot!

    The newest addition

    - Karen - AKA Eva Janus

    Now my sister! Great girl! Awesome @ drawing! I love everything about her! Hehe Ok well now im tiered so i think ill stop here!

  8. #8
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    Originally posted by SIMBAtheENIGMA
    Mum ( Notice the Australia Spelling )
    No worries mate, that's the right way to spell it

  9. #9
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    I know! Hehe and where do u live?

  10. #10
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    my mom: she's weird, she can talk all nicely in front of you, and then when you're gone, she'll gossip around your back.
    I can't say I like my mom... We are like water and fire.

    my dad: my dad is like my best friend. we get along perfect, although, sometimes we don't

    my brother: is a piece of no good. Too lazy to stretch his arm for something, and since he has his girlfriend, is gets ruder and ruder by the day (all because of her).

    my sister: the little devil *lol* I totaly don't get along with her, the age difference is 12. I hated her while growing up. She ruind all of my stuff, and my life. And till the day I left home, I still didn't like her.

    Weird is, now I don't live home anymore, and with all 4 of them I get along much better then when I still lived at home.

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  11. #11
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    My Mother: A kind person that always care about me. Very responsible, but also tolerant.

    My Father: A great person too. He also care about me, however we don't talk too much, 'cause he's always busy. Is also responsible and kind, likes helping other people.

    My Sister: She is bad-tempered most of the time, but she's a good person anyway. =)

  12. #12
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Mum: Has managed to bring all of our family through so much and works just to get me and my brother fed. She is really great and I get along well with her. I've never had what you'd clal a fight/argument with her and I never plan on doing so. Although my mum is really nice she can have her mood swings and she is the one that has to get angry at the cats because me and my brother just let them do whatever!

    My Dad: Well, he lives about 15 hours away, up in Brisbane but he's a cool guy. When he and my mum were still together though (up until beginning of this year) he could get a bit grumpy, he had a short temper but he didn't like taking it out on us kids, he'd try not to anyway, mostly he got angry at the computer, and at dinner when he spilt pasta sauce and his white work shirt :P I've never really known my dad as well as my mum because he's always flying and in different states. Last year he was only home for 1 week every 2 months and now he comes and sees us whenever he can, which isn't all that often but he makes an effort and that means something to me. Oh, and one more thing, he tells really lame 'dad jokes'!!

    Sister(23): My sister and my dad have always had a personality clash so wheen she moved out it was a relief on the rest of us. She was a bit of a wild one as a Teenager and she could be quite bossy when I was little. But now she is an amazing perosn and I get along really well with her, she is a problem solver and if you need to figure out how to do something she will help you work it out. She is fun loving and generous.

    Brother in Law(28) Married to^sis: He is one of the nicest guys you've ever met. He is a Spiderman fanatic and he can always tell a good joke and laugh around with you. He's not spontaneous but likes to think through things before he does them ... in other words, sensible.

    My Bro(19): This guy is really awesome. Me and my brother have always done stuff together and people say that they're brothers can be annoying, yes my brother teases me but we both do it to each other for a bit of fun. He comes up with great jokes, has good views on important issues and he can crap on about nothing when the situation calls for it and we can have a serious discussion. We get along really well. I can honestly say that I love my brother because he would protect me from anything and anyone, I can tell sometimes that he wants to protect me from things and he gets worried about me. He is one great guy. Thanks bro!

    Oh and in case you're wondering, it's just my mum, my bro and me where I live, then there's my sis and bro in law that live only 5 mins away and my dad, well I explained that. So there's my immediate family for ya!
    That which you manifest is before you.

  13. #13
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    Ok my turn
    Dad: Hes a great guy, imo hes got thiongs all sorted out in some departments and being an RE teach at uni he knows what hes talking about and can say things from differnt points of view, he works hard, sometimes to hard and get get pretty tired. He has the worst jokes known to man but the fact that he laughs for hourse at his own terrible jokes makes it hillarious i can have alot of fun with this guy.

    Mum: Shes really good, as much as i dislike her nagging me about work its good that she does, id never get aything done without her, she loving and careing, even when shes down she always taking care of eveyone...shes great

    My Bro: We used to have the odd argument here and there but since hes gone to uni we are really getting along, hes got a very funny sarcastic sense of humor, hes the brains of the family so to speak, as hes doing medical at Liverpool Uni. Hes into alot of computer games and consols as am I and we share alot of them plus he enjoys going out with friends and he likes his music, we seem to share our musical taste yet there are some bands that differ. I gotta say hes become a gr8 bro to me l8ly

    Nan(dads side): shes very generous and her intentions are kind but sometimes she can get in the way and be really annoying, but shes done alot for our family and we all love her for that

    Gramps(mums side): hes really old now in his 90's but hes always been cool, hes pretty quiet and getting a bit feeble now, I dont get so see him much nore as im fairly busy with homework ect.but its always nice to see him.

  14. #14
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    It's kinda interesting knowing what ya guys think about your family.

    Mother: Great person. She'd go all out helping anyone, and is very fun loving. Much like Kiara, really. Though she's apparently hiding some things from me, but i think those are the things that i'm better off not knowing. Very little arguments with her, since most of the time she does what i say, as odd as that sounds. She's the best mum in the world to me, and i'll protect her with my life.

    Father: He seems okay, though alot has happened between him and my mum and they're on the verge of divorcing for years. I'm quite surprised they haven't till now. He now works overseas, comes home randomly to stay for a week or two, and i won't say i'm very close to him. Mum tells me never to follow in his "pawprints", and i'll listen to her.

    Brother (19): Great guy, we're always having fun together, either playing games or a serious discussion. We share a lot of interests in common, and together with my cousin (F, 14) we'll always have a blast together. I respect him very much, as the whole family would, him being the most capable and independent child of the family. He's shorter and lighter than me though, *noogies bro*. :noogie:

    That's my immediate family. I'd consider myself lucky.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    I've never had what you'd clal a fight/argument with her and I never plan on doing so.
    That's pretty cool. I've had a few fights with my Mom, but we could be laughing about something five minutes afterwards. She can always tell when I'm mad because she knows that I get really quite when I'm angry. I once had a arguement with my Dad and we didn't talk for 3 months....and we shared the same bedroom at the time. I think he was upset with me for something when he died, so we never got to deal with that.

  16. #16
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    My mum's name is Nicole, my dad's name is Neil and my sister's name is Laura, who's three years younger than me

  17. #17
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    I'm gonna have to reply some other time because I have a lot to say about my family. I also have to get going in about 5 mins.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

    Twitter / deviantArt / Facebook

  18. #18
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    Let's see...

    Mom: A great person , and a hard worker person, I laugh a lot with her. She's always takind care of all of my family, she's awesome

    Dad: Well...i don't talk a lot with him... he is always angry with me though I think that he works too much, he has to travel a lot to other countries, so he's a little bit stressed.

    Brother: he is 19 years old, we seem really twins, cos we are really very similar,the pople confuse us. I consider him my best friend, cos if i have something to tell my parents, I tell him first.

    My sister: my sister is 17 years old, i like to talk with her too, cos she is really intelligent, and she can give you a great answers for your problems.

    I have 2 dogs too an a cat

    That's all i think....

  19. #19
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    Mom: get most of how I look and act from her side of the family... she's as nice as any...

    Dad: He's a hard worker, He's nice to all of us, though we don't see all too much of him, except around the holidays.

    Older brother: we don't see eye to eye all that much, but he's a great guy, dreams to be a movie actor.

    Younger brother: He's the one who gets along with me best, he's great at fighting and we spar (used to a lot more but now, not so much)

    Sister: somehow, she rubs the wrong way... she has in her mind that I hate her for some odd reason... I dunno why... she HATES it when I accomplish anything at all... (competeing with me for attention is more-n-likely the cause... though, I never get attention the way it is.. so I dunno why she hates to see me in the spotlight so much)

    Aunt: She's a great person, alway there for us all

    Aunt #2: She too is great and outspoken,

    Uncle: Fun to be around, but he's not around much great guy

    Great uncle: was once a top spy, not going to say anymore.. he's still a private investigator...

    those dead

    uncle: was the one who I looked up to, he was once a CIA agent and was the one who designed the stealth bomber, as well as the 'comuter reader' (what he called it) he later gave it to his partner who then sold it to apple computers (it was the first graphic engine [still used today])... He died on christmas morning of 1994...

    grandma {mom side}: she was a teacher and an expert on health and nutrition, she was a great person to be around.. Died in 2000

    grandpa {mom side}: never accually met him, that I can remember, he was a top engineer at JPL, had designed many things, (like a digger that was used on the moon)... died 1988

    dad's side: all dead... have never met any... unfortunatly... they changed their last names to 'brooks' when traveling to the US, so their history is forever lost.

    (mom's side, notice they all died once every six years? {mom's grandpa died in 1982 as well, I think})

  20. #20
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    Hmm...I'm going to have to this about this, but well...

    Mother: Queen of the pride. She's a very kind, smart and loving person, but sometimes too over-protective and a bit strict. Though, most of the time she's nice.

    Father: King of the pride. Well, my Dad's real cool guy once ya get to know him and such. He's also funny at times heh. Like my mom, he's a bit over-protective but a pretty nice guy, not to mention a hard worker of the family who always brings home the bacon.(Mom does that too hehe). Both parents get on my case a lot, but I know they still love me and I love them. My father believes in the whole "kindness in the family".

    Little Sister: An annoying brat 24/7 lol, but I still love my little sis. She can be the evil witch who gets me into trouble almost everytime for no reason, but there's also a kind side to her and so she's nice 'sometimes' heh.

    Little Brother: All I say is that he's a pretty crazy little dude hehe.:noogie:

    Me: Hmm, well I can't say much about me since I act a bit differently offline than online. =/ But for those who do know me online, know how I am and act.

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