How could I forget this ...

I don't really know what it's called in English, I guess it's kind of like a chicken pastry thing.

Over here it's called "vidée", "vol-au-vent" or "koninginnenhapje". (that last one actually means "queen's bite".

It's served in a little carved out pastry thing.
It's a sauce kind of (made with chicken stock), pieces of chicken in it, mushroom, and meatballs (though, not every place serves it with meatballs).
And off course, with fries

I love this! Whenever I go out for lunch/dinner somewhere, this is what I want, for the past 20 years!

Another way of eating it, is without the pastry, on top of a "crocque monsieur".
Which is basically a grilled cheese sandwich, with also ham in between. Very popular in Belgium.