Eh, for the record...

I'm not on the staff because I'm "friends" with any admins, or because I'm "popular" - I actually consider myself to be somewhat of an outsider here, even though I've been a member of Lea since late 2003. I don't talk to Lea members outside of the forum and I don't even post here that often...the people that I've met here that I consider to be actual friend friends aren't even members anymore...

Though I'm sure nothing in particular was aimed at me, it does hurt to feel that folks on the board may feel that I'm on the staff not because I'm good at my job and truly have the best interests of both the forum and the rights of the forum members at heart, but because I happened to know the right people.

At any rate, if anyone feels like I'm being/been a toxic power-hungry harpy and not enforcing the rules as they are written, by all means feel free to approach me directly.
I promise not to bite - if anything, I'll actually respect you more.