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Thread: Are you an expressed TLK fanatic?

  1. #41
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    for me it will depend on who i will tell. some of my friends know i like TLK and they dont seem to have a problem with it. I only told them because i knew they will be alright with it
    But some of my friends i will never tell, because i know for sure they will make a big deal out of it, and think im wierd

  2. #42
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    0 Post(s) name is Lion_Roog...and I'm a Nalaholic.....I have a disease, and I don't know what to call it.....

  3. #43
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    Originally posted by Nuka
    Mabatu, you and I are are quite a like in our lives =)
    Yep, i think you are right about that

    Originally posted by Xinithian
    Don't close the windows, minimize them. I've been doing this for almost 5 years... in fact, have your window take only the bottom right corner of your screen, and another site that you aren't worried about in the background.. If you have a tall chair, boost it to the highest setting, sit closer to the computer, and they won't even know that the window is there. All they will think you are on is the main page in the background.
    Hehe, you seem to be an expert on secrecy

    Like lots of other people here, i always have another website on the taskbar ready for clicking on if i hear somebody coming near my door Once or twice i think my brother has briefly seen Lea before i minimise it, i get really annoyed when that happens. So far i don't think he's figured out i'm a member of a TLK forum, which is good

  4. #44
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    I don't minimise anything......if anyone says something....I just say..."What, you got a problem with it?"

  5. #45
    Super Moderator Sharifu's Avatar
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    I show off my love for 2-D animated films. (With TLK being my favorite) Everyone thinks it's so cool that these 2-D animated films inspired me to become an animator.
    Thank you to the talented KanuTGL for my avatar!
    My Lion King Fan-Art

  6. #46
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    Originally posted by lion_roog
    I don't minimise anything......if anyone says something....I just say..."What, you got a problem with it?"
    I wish i had that attitude

  7. #47
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    Why hide it? Too shy as I said before, in my school years (well I just got out of school anyways) it would of been too embarrassing the way teenagers react to 'weirdness', I coped enough from being a twin

    Its not just TLK (SP) either, Cares bears, MLP AoFW the lot of animated stuff Must keep....secret

  8. #48
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    like i said, dont hide it! be proud of being a tlk fan! here in the middle of skool, people say stuff, oh well i enjoy it

  9. #49
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    Oh please Xin, I just slap people who come too close to me while I'm online.

    No, really...

  10. #50
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    OMG XD Ask anyone I know. They know I am NOT shy about my obbession. XD I scare people.

  11. #51
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Muahahah... I'm the minimising master!

    Hehe, if my brother comes near I quickly switch to another window... I always have to have a certain amount of windows open though so that you can't read "Lea Halalela" or "Lion King Fan-Art Ar..." on the task bar... hehe... I just... yeah, I think it'd be weird if my family new about Lea.

    Who knows, I'm like Simba_TLK and only tell selected friends if I know they'll be alright with it.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  12. #52
    Your Ghost Host HasiraKali's Avatar
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    People know I'm obsessed. If they don't, they must be pretty thick. I wear a TLK shirt at least once a week. :-p. I've actually had random people that I never really talk to give me stuff they find while cleaning their rooms. I don't complain. Funny story. XD I was giving one of my friends a ride home my freshman year of college. She knew I liked the movie but had no idea how much. She got in my car and was just like O.O. I have a lot of plushies and toys in my car. The next week she gave me some stuff she found in her room. XD

    We are so much more complicated than our names.
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    If you're not here to party, get out of the teacup.

  13. #53
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    Oh man.. Shy about TLK? Now thats not possible for me. People knew right off the bat that I was obsessed with this movie right when it came out. Apparently (so my parents tell me) The day we saw TLK in the theatre for the first time, i was singing the songs word for word on the car ride home. I was about 5 at the time and really cant remember. Alls I can remember from then is the little lion king toys they would give you with the kiddy popcorm.

    After that, It was perfectly clear I had found my life's obsession. I would sing the songs with one of my friends on the way to school, I would crawl around on all fours when i was at home, I would draw characters on all the birthday cards I gave to people, my friends and family just naturally associated "TLK" with "Carrie"

    Im not any more shy about it now. Even though im in high school. My sketchbooks are FILLED with lions (which everyone looks through at least once) When people ask If i like the lion king i pretty much think "Well thats a stupid question", and reply with a "Hells ya". My parents know perfectly well that im still obsessed with it, and my mother actually asked me for one of my TLK style drawings that she could hang up in her office And my room is... a giant disney advertisement. So no surprise to anyone who comes in there.

    (man this post is long )

    As for my friends, They all know about it. I've told a few of them about Lea, even though i usually start with "I know its geeky but i dont care...". When I came to highschool I became really close with another girl who is also a TLK and disney fanatic, so that makes it a lot easier. We both love the movie and cd's and plan to go to TLKoB together one day And whenever my other friends say something like "Oh no not Lion King/Disney" I always come back with a "Oh no not country music!"

    haha... hit em where it hurts.

    So basically, its really just part of my identity. TLK is what inspired me to draw, who knows where I'd be today without it? (probably a druggie xP) I say, let people know who you are. If you love TLK dont be ashamed. And if people dont accept you, thats their problem. Not yours

    (weeeeeeeeeeeeeee! )

  14. #54
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    Originally posted by Princess Nala
    XD I scare people.
    I scare people, too!!! .....but not because I'm a fan of the Lion King.......

  15. #55
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    Muahahah... I'm the minimising master!

    Hehe, if my brother comes near I quickly switch to another window... I always have to have a certain amount of windows open though so that you can't read "Lea Halalela" or "Lion King Fan-Art Ar..." on the task bar... hehe... I just... yeah, I think it'd be weird if my family new about Lea.
    I just have the tast bar up the side, so no one can read anything. Mwha.

  16. #56
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    Originally posted by Azerane
    Muahahah... I'm the minimising master!

    Hehe, if my brother comes near I quickly switch to another window... I always have to have a certain amount of windows open though so that you can't read "Lea Halalela" or "Lion King Fan-Art Ar..." on the task bar... hehe... I just... yeah, I think it'd be weird if my family new about Lea.
    What I do is scrunch the task bar up by sliding the thing to the left.

  17. #57
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    Originally posted by Mabatu
    Yep, i think you are right about that

    Hehe, you seem to be an expert on secrecy

    Like lots of other people here, i always have another website on the taskbar ready for clicking on if i hear somebody coming near my door Once or twice i think my brother has briefly seen Lea before i minimise it, i get really annoyed when that happens. So far i don't think he's figured out i'm a member of a TLK forum, which is good
    LoL!!! That's what I used to do!!!

    EDIT: I wish I could tell everyone I like TLK without anybody making fun or expressing rude comments about it.

  18. #58
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    Originally posted by Kenyi
    I wish I could tell everyone I like TLK without anybody making fun or expressing rude comments about it.
    I wish the same

  19. #59
    Senior Member Shatara's Avatar
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    Geez...some of yous are hiding yer lion king stuff like you're lookin at porn or something...o.O

    Myself, I really haven't advertized my lionking obsession, but I haven't exactly gone too far to hide it either...

    My immediate family knows about my lionking fandom, as well as general obsession with lions. Doubt they know how deep it goes...

    In elementary school, Lionking was 'cool'. There was one kid who seemed almost as obsessed. Another poked fun at a third by calling him 'Simba' (which he got quite P'd about), and when asked what was so bad about it, reminded me about "What Simba did to Nala"...(hey, it was friggin fifth grade...) One time, while watching it at the end of the day, I got the movie turned off for yelling "They Called Me Mister Pig" loud enought to hear at the other end of the building XD

    Middle school, I kept it pretty much secret. THe one exception was giving a few friends LKish nicknames. The only ones of note were Bret, who laughed at seemingly everything, became known as 'Ed', and my friend Ian, who got tagged with 'Shenzi', and didn't figure it out for like a month XD

    Highschool is when things changed, with the recent release of LK2. I stumbled upon during a computer litteracy class. I commonly used school time to browse the message boards or read fanfiction, much to the distaste of my teachers. Many of the faculty new I was getting on message boards (a clear violation of the rules), but never demanded I stop, due to the 'G-rated' nature of it...
    I'm sure at least some portion of the student body knew about it too as I showed my girlfriend my fanfiction, the teachers occasionally chided my lk-site browsing, etc...I even had the cryptic letters 'TLKiaWoL' on my backpack...

    In the Army, I never actively brought it up, but it came up three times anyway.
    First, was in basic, as I tried my hand ad drawing Vitani from memory. It sucked. Someone saw it and asked if it was Shere Khan. I dont recall if I corrected him, or simply responded along the lines of 'something like that...'...
    Second, Just after Airborne School. I had overnight CQ runner duty (a pretty uneventful job), and was allowed to bring my PS1 and laptop. I spent most of the night playing a long game of Command and Conquer. By the time I remembered to wake up my relief, the shift was over anyway (and I never did get the promised day off either >.<). As I was shutting the ol' machine down, the CQ NCO (guy in charge) caught a glimpse of my Vitani wallpaper. Hence came the famous quote: "You're the first snake-eater I've seen with a cartoon cat on his wallpaper..."
    Third, one time when getting lunch on-post (Subway or Pizza, don't remember) I had my wallet out to pay, which contained a Lionking trading card. Some random shmoe saw it, and asked something like "That Lion King?" I told him it was. Never expected what came next. He responded "Uh...Nala's hot..." I only grinned knowingly.

  20. #60
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    ..Good stuff, Shatara.....the last two stories i find funny...

    I remember Elementary school...The Lion King and Jurassic Park were the two coolest/popular movies in Elementary. I used to think my friend was rich as hell in Elementary because he got movies when they came out on video....and he took me to go see TLK in when he got TLK on video, we watched it quite a bit.

    The Lion King has come up a couple times in conversations I've had. Once when a few friends and I were talking about hot actresses/movie characters and such....for some reason I don't find that many actresses I mentioned Nala.........And I got a few laughs from that.

    And people will ask about my car decals everyonce in a while.....and I just tell them I love lions.....and they usually say "Oh, That's Cool"

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