((Kovujin had a name change back in Tay RP, So it will follow him here x) ))

Maovu looked from the stone that he was perched upon, He stared down into the vast emptiness of the watering hole lagoon, and wondered to himself, Why he was still even here. Sure Simba's Pride had everything a lion could dream of, But it was just.. Way to .. Well to put it in an easy way of understanding, Dull.

Life here was just way to easy, It was nothing like the outlands and the Jungled areas that were past it. The desert was also much fun.. The thought of not being able to live another day, or never knowing if you were going to come out alive made Maovu only lust for more stuff to do, He could only guess that it was his adventurous nature and always wanting to do something that did that to him.

He stopped looking from the water as it seemed to be boring him more and looked out into the vastness of the Pride Lands, The place was quite big, and did quinch his thirst for more adventure, But he was bored of it now, Having searched and knew exactly where and what everything was here. He was ready to move on.. Nothing here was of interest to him.. He sighed and jumped off the rock and head into the tall grasses of the Serenghti (Sp?) And trecked his way around, though he found it quite hard to see over the grass, Only being an adolescent, He couldn't completely see everything once he went inside the grasses.

And so, He wandered around aimlessly, No real direction in mind, and if fate were to bring him upon someone, Then so be it. But right now, he had no intentions of actually meeting someone. But that could be easily changed if someone did show up..