Quote Originally Posted by Utora View Post
I seriously began to question what would motivate any cell or being into evolution.
I don't understand. Why would something needed to be motivated to evolve?

I read, close to California in the 70's there was this slab on the side of a mountain showing, in great detail layer of crusts which was evidence of things through time. There was an earthquake that caused this layer formation to thrust up more exposing a tree. This tree was embedded in several layers at once. Obviously the tree didn't exist over billions of years, it'd been trapped in some lava and sediment in one event. There have also been records of TRex prints, a smilodan and a man's footprints in one river bed. All three existing at the same point in time, paralleled? Probably not, but that's just the point, there's these methods that don't prove anything to me honestly.
You're referencing some rather shady examples against evolution (I believe the t-rex thing was shown to be a hoax). When talking about so called polystrate fossils (the tree through several layers), I am not convinced that any such fossils mean anything until it can be demonstrated that polystrate fossils discredit dating methods without being the result of rapid sedimentation or some sort of salt withdrawal. Whatever sources your're getting this information from is misleading you...