Lets see damn i wanna give a full 100 pages but it would be impsosible.

Tiikeri: Great fun to hang around with, wacky, cool, kind, great personality and uhm fun to smoke a Shisha with.

Amaryllis: Lol always fun to talk with on MSN, great personality, kind caring sweet, always full of joy, and can always make me laugh. great artist and I can see you will do well in the future, and another wacky one

KS: yet another great Artist, always busy but when you start talking it is great fun, kind.

This Land: Wacky dude, with lots of random and funny ideas... cool uhm and lemme think need to play more heavy metal over MSN

Sharifu: great fun to talk with on MSN can have a civilized convo with you, always chilled when online, great fun again
damn i am running out of thisngs to say...

STM: well another quiet dude on MSN but when you talk your great to talk too, yet another one who is chilled out alot of the time.

Shadow: Another great but crazy dude... very quiet over MSN but when talking he is sorta mad, especially when he has his mic next to his mouth... your a great dude Shads

Thats all i can think of for this moment in it is like 6:15am over here i am literally like this