i did say i would join 2 u know lol don't forget me

-Mandatory Stuff-
Name: Twilight
Species: Lion
Age: young teenager around about 14 years old a little younger than Sunshine (Shine)
Gender: Lion (male)
Mate: none but has strong feelings for Suki but doesn?t think its love
Offspring: none
Parents: Nina (deceased) Kuza (foster mother)
Siblings: None
Place of Residence: Pride Rock
Mane colour: Dark Brown with streaks of black in
Tail hair colour: Dark brown with streaks of black
Fur colour and style: normal lion colour (golden brown)
Eye colour: dark blue
Appearance: Has a crescent moon birth marking on fore head and has star like markings. around his neck.
Twilight was born just outside of the Pride Lands by a Rouge lioness who was unfortunately killed a few hours later and before she died struggled into the Pride lands in hope that he would be found. He was found by a hunting party from Pride Rock a few hours later and was brought into the Pride. As he grew up he made friends with a lioness called Sunshine or Shine as she?s more commonly known and they did everything together and became best friends. Years past and then Shadow turned up and the two friends became three. Shortly after Shadow turned up Shine fell in love with Shadow and Light got extremely jealous with him as he had strong feelings for her and so a pit of hate built up inside him, but Light still has a deep sense of for him. A few weeks after Shadow turned up a Tiger cub called Suki turned up, she was nice, playful and many other things and so Light took a instant liking in her and started to slightly forget his feelings for Shine but deep in side he still has very strong feelings for her that won?t go away.
As Light grew up Simba took a liking towards Light as he was intelligent and good at solving problems and other things like fighting that he admired about the young teenager and become close friends and Light became a fellow servant to him.
Best Friend: Sunshine (Shine), Shadow, Suki, Simba
Duty: Protector of Pride Rock, fellow servant to the king, hunter
Philosophy/Quote: ?Some one once told me that Death is a release not a punishment and that we had to decide what we had to do with the time we got left, but in truth it still scares me?
-Optional Stuff-
Nicknames: Light (only used by close friends)
Food preferences: Rabbits, Zebra, Gazelle and anything else really.
Hobbies: wrestling, hunting rabbits, watching the stars
Favourite colour: mid-night blue
Talents: fast runner, smart, strong, good hunter, brave
Habits: doesn?t like showing his true feelings or emotions, staying up late watching the stars, gets depressed quite easily.
Phobias: fear of death and dieing
Height: Average size for a young teen lion
Weight: Just under average for a teen lion
Other: Sleeps outside the cave on Pride Rock, or on top of it, or somewhere out in the Pride Lands. Likes being alone to think.