Well I did say I'd like to start RP'ing again, but I personally don't think I'd like to continue Role Playing Mizani, so I'm posting a new character profile just so y'all know.

Name: Jardyn

Species: Serval

Age: Near end of adolescence

Location: (None, was previously living in a land that bordered the Outlands)

History: Her childhood was fairly normal, but her mother was killed in her early teens. With little knowledge and skills, hunting and hiding were something that she had to learn, and still is even now.
The population of lions in her area increased so much, that it became a threat to her living there, as the lions had apparently developed a taste for serval meat. Whether it was a tale to merely frighten cubs, or just a myth, Jardyn decided not to take the chance, and took to the life of a rogue.
She is now currently somewhere in the vicinity of Malaika and co.


Art (c) to me.