Originally posted by la_reina
I don't know if anyone would actually be concerned, but yeah, I'm not doing to well atm...I've been this was since Friday, come to think of it. I'm not sick, just have this really big empty feeling inside me...like a hole in me or something...and it didn't just get there out of nowhere, someone punched that hole in me...

Has anyone ever felt so lonely when they lose contact with someone they care about greatly? I have......I've done nothing but cry every night 'cause I'm forbidden from ''seeing'' that someone (my mother is the one who forbid me). And in addition to feeling lonesome, I also feel guilty becuase I have to keep ignoring that person now, without giving that someone an explanation....and I want so much to tell that person the truth, but I'm afraid of getting cuaght and in lots of trouble....and so now I don't know what to do...
you know something reina, that was exactly what i was feeling like about 3 weeks ago. you just have this huge emptyness inside you and it hurts, becuase you cant do anything about it. I felt like you did. I was virtually crying every night about it, and the only time when i stopped was when i told the person about what was happening.

I would just try and tell them is any way they can. if that means email, email them. if it means text, text them. But resolving the issue is the only way to relieve that emptyness.

and dont bother trying polyfiller. it didnt work for me and now i only have half my lung capacity