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Thread: New RPG...possibly

  1. #1
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    New RPG...possibly

    I'm wanting to create a new RPG but first I need some supporters. Anyway, this is what the RPG is going to be about:

    You can roleplay your own characters. The only characters from TLK that are available to play are the outlanders (Zira, Kovu, Vitani, Nuka etc) and the Pridelanders (Simba, Nala, Kiara etc.) and of course Timon, Pumbaa, Zazu etc. It will be during Kovu and Kiaras adolescent years. I will be playing Simba and one of my own characters. If the RPG is successful, you can choose upto 2 characters to play, whether it's your own or one of the TLK characters.

    The name of the RPG will be 'The Adolescent Years'.

    So what do you guys think?

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  2. #2
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    sure, why not.

  3. #3
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    i would love to be Zira....

  4. #4
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    I think it'd be fun to be Vitani =3

  5. #5
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    I'd like to role play as Nala or Kovu or maybe a character I create.

  6. #6
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    So I take it you all think it's a good idea up to now? If so, I need 6 more supporters.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  7. #7
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Yeah. Any TLK character can be used.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  8. #8
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    WOOO!!!! I'm in!! I'll be Broken and someone else likely Asante again...I think I killed the last rp though... sorry guys.

    but once a rp hit's 666 post it does seem to die...

  9. #9
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    yeah damn right im first PRG... but i play as my self Shadow..and my mate Sunshine...
    you want info abut them? just say

  10. #10
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Well, you can post a profile about them here to give me more info.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  11. #11
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    Real name" White eye. but he dont know it.
    Nick Name"Shadow
    Race/Species" white eyed panther.
    Age- same as Shine(Sunshine) but litle older.
    Gender- young male
    Name of family members" Shadows two biger sisters he thiks are died .White scar and White hair.
    Best friend Twilight, love and best friend "Sunshine
    Place of residence- Pride rock
    Eyes"Light green
    Height"ordenary White eyed panther size
    weight" ordenary"
    distinguishing marks" White spots arund his eyes.
    History/biography" Shadow is a mix of white and black panther whit creatid a newSpecies" White eyed panthers.
    there are only Shadow and his two sisters that are White eyed panthers whit made them very inntresting for hunters.
    one day in the jungel when Shadow playd whit his two yers older sister White scar and the rest of the pride was resting.
    came some hunters and try to take them awey.
    one hunter aimd at Shadow but then his mother jumpt in to the shot and befure she died she told Shadow to run.
    Shadow then run awey and when he got to a savane in Pride rock.
    he meats Shine and so on.
    but the king didnt like Shadow mutsh bekuse his black Fur.

    Personality"Shadow isent that typ that jumps in to fight. but he neter runs from it he allweys try to think somthing out so he dont need to fight.
    He is allweys on a Adventur whit Shine but sens Shine is his love he allweys sacrefise him self high level of damge to save her from geting hurt.
    Shadow care more abute his frieands helf then his own.

    still a very active teen...he dont like too sleep as mutsh as a lion.

    Ziri"is Shadow adopt mother sens she cold not have cubs her own.

    Niki" Ziris evil sister are banned too the out lands but still trys too kill Shadow..

    tuge Shadow is a whit eye panther and has a lionesses as mate he is a part of the pride....but most of the lionesses dont like him and Shine becuse of there relationship.....

    Other information"

    Shadow and Shine are allways at the water hole...they kind of live there in sted of pride rock....there are a litle cave that there sleeps...Shadow hates water not becuse its wet it the mirorr that bugs him...he hates
    that he is not a lion

    when Shadow have nothing too do he is by the water hole in a tree and looking at things going by....Shadow is very easy to do deprest...he is scared to deaf if Niki is around she allwasy trys too kill him ever sens he was a cub....

    we say some lions/lionesses walking by....they give Shadow a bad look...and wishpers "panter" this is the most efected way to bring Shadow down....but this is also very risking...if Shine hear our finds out she will come after them...male out not....

    Shine spend mutsh time whit Shadow snes the love secret just bin reaveld...they havent bin able too cudle our kiss oped they are cudling qwite mutsh.

    when Shadow arnt by the Water hole he is out and do somthing he is not like lions he dusent like to sleep that mutsh...

    Shadow is allways staying away from the rest of the pride....

    but there is one thing that made him happy and its Shine....when he is whit Shine he is not felling down our deprest....nether if he is whit Light.....

    the pride hade nothing agenst Shadow and Shine when they where cubs....the reshen they dont like them now is that there relationship is know by all now

    Philosophy/Quote: the Shadow of Light

    fear" Shadow greatest fear is losing some one close to him like Shine and Light

    wold be cool if we hade some lions that dont like Shadow and Shine

    wersling alot whit Shine

    pic of Shadow

  12. #12
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    here are Sunshine !


    Nick name:Shine

    Race/Species- Lionesses Cub

    Age Teen (around14) young

    Gender- young femal

    Name of Family members, none


    Best Friend(s),Twilights, Shadow


    Place of Residence, Priderock

    Eyes, blue

    Fur colour, prity light

    Weight, Weight just like a male in her age

    Height, ordenary cub size

    Distinguishing marks, Shine has a Sun on her right chick but she allsow have 3 scars over it, the sun and scars are glwoing on the way she fells...are she angry the scars glow red...and she very happy the sun glowis yelow and are she emeberets the sun and scars are glowing mixing colurs....but this only is shwoing at night....and if she is okej...nothing spechsal nothing is glowing

    History/biography, Sunshine was adopt by the kings Friend Hiki .
    the king where very good freaind whit Hiki but when Shine was cub age Hiki sort of forgot that Shine was his daghter. she was alone Hiki didnt care abut her nether did the other cubs. but then she meat Twilights and thigs was starting to look good four her again.
    and then Shadow came to Priderock. she was flirting whit him just for fun but this made Shadow start loveing Sunshine. one time when she was flirting whit him on the Grave yerd but then head bang him she realist that she was staring to get love.
    but this where when they where cubs.

    Personality, Sunshine is very vilent of here self if some whane is mesing whit her friends she jumps in to fight befure she think. but she is not bad she dosent starting fights.

    ok you all know abut the story abut there cub hood so far....soo they are teens now and still best friends....but its no loner a secreat that Shadow and Shine are in love...

    "other info" Shine lives whit Shadow at the water a litle cave...Shine loves Shadow very if some one makes fun of Shadow our somehing she goes mad....the musth lionesses dont dear to making fun of her...becuse she will start a fight and mostly win...Shine havent bin in a fight whit a playbul carecter...jet...

    they dont like Shine just becuse her relationship whit Shadow....she is cudle whit him very often...and kissing a litle too....they havent bin able to do that befure....

    Shine is very active...but that is mostly becuse Shadow she dont sleep as mutsh as a lion do....

    they are not at pride rock...becuse that wold be going behinde enemy liens....thoge they are a part of the pride....

    oh yeah forgot....Shine has a power to warm her self up.....she has dune this many times whit Shadow....she is allwasy worming him up at nights.....

    Shine are wresling whit Shadow alot too.....

    pic of Shine.

  13. #13
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    gah!! Need 3 more...c'mon furballs... let's play!

    Great Characters Shadow!!

  14. #14
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Broken
    gah!! Need 3 more...c'mon furballs... let's play!

    Great Characters Shadow!!

    i think LKS wold join lion king stue

  15. #15
    A new era Mod Lion King Stu's Avatar
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    howdy Yall the LKS is in da thred count me in all will post Twilight profile ASAP
    Members I have had the pleasure to meet: STM [x2], Sharifu [x2], Taneli [x2], King Simba [x4], Shadow [x1], Nathalie [x2], Lucy Lioness [x2], This Land [x4], Daniel [x2], Nephilim [x1], KanuTGL [x2], Revo [x1], Naline [x1], FCSimba [x9], Leorgathar [x1]

  16. #16
    A new era Mod Lion King Stu's Avatar
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    -Mandatory Stuff-
    Name: Twilight
    Species: Lion
    Age: young teenager around about 14 years old a little younger than Sunshine (Shine)
    Gender: Lion (male)
    Mate: none but has strong feelings for Suki but doesn?t think its love
    Offspring: none
    Parents: Nina (deceased) Kuza (foster mother)
    Siblings: None
    Place of Residence: Pride Rock
    Mane colour: Dark Brown with streaks of black in
    Tail hair colour: Dark brown with streaks of black
    Fur colour and style: normal lion colour (golden brown)
    Eye colour: dark blue
    Appearance: Has a crescent moon birth marking on fore head and has star like markings. around his neck.
    Twilight was born just outside of the Pride Lands by a Rouge lioness who was unfortunately killed a few hours later and before she died struggled into the Pride lands in hope that he would be found. He was found by a hunting party from Pride Rock a few hours later and was brought into the Pride. As he grew up he made friends with a lioness called Sunshine or Shine as she?s more commonly known and they did everything together and became best friends. Years past and then Shadow turned up and the two friends became three. Shortly after Shadow turned up Shine fell in love with Shadow and Light got extremely jealous with him as he had strong feelings for her and so a pit of hate built up inside him, but Light still has a deep sense of for him. A few weeks after Shadow turned up a Tiger cub called Suki turned up, she was nice, playful and many other things and so Light took a instant liking in her and started to slightly forget his feelings for Shine but deep in side he still has very strong feelings for her that won?t go away.
    As Light grew up Simba took a liking towards Light as he was intelligent and good at solving problems and other things like fighting that he admired about the young teenager and become close friends and Light became a fellow servant to him.
    Best Friend: Sunshine (Shine), Shadow, Suki, Simba
    Duty: Protector of Pride Rock, fellow servant to the king, hunter
    Philosophy/Quote: ?Some one once told me that Death is a release not a punishment and that we had to decide what we had to do with the time we got left, but in truth it still scares me?
    -Optional Stuff-
    Nicknames: Light (only used by close friends)
    Food preferences: Rabbits, Zebra, Gazelle and anything else really.
    Hobbies: wrestling, hunting rabbits, watching the stars
    Favourite colour: mid-night blue
    Talents: fast runner, smart, strong, good hunter, brave
    Habits: doesn?t like showing his true feelings or emotions, staying up late watching the stars, gets depressed quite easily.
    Phobias: fear of death and dieing
    Height: Average size for a young teen lion
    Weight: Just under average for a teen lion
    Other: Sleeps outside the cave on Pride Rock, or on top of it, or somewhere out in the Pride Lands. Likes being alone to think.Heres a pic of Teen Twilight:

    Would be kool to see some people who dislike and like my Lion
    Members I have had the pleasure to meet: STM [x2], Sharifu [x2], Taneli [x2], King Simba [x4], Shadow [x1], Nathalie [x2], Lucy Lioness [x2], This Land [x4], Daniel [x2], Nephilim [x1], KanuTGL [x2], Revo [x1], Naline [x1], FCSimba [x9], Leorgathar [x1]

  17. #17
    The Yorkie Lioness King Simba's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info, LKS!
    We need two more people.

    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person: Sharifu, Sadiki, This Land, Nathalie, Lucy, Lion King Stu, Taneli, KanuTGL, Shadow, Revo and Leorgathar

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  18. #18
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    heh I should post Broken too

    Given name: Unknown
    Name: Broken
    Age: young- to young to have cubs healthily.
    Color: Very pale red tuff of fur on her head and blood red tail tuff.
    Eyes: Crystal blue, looks dead gray in some light.
    Size: normal for her age.
    Markings/scars: she has a long scar on her right side coming from behind he hind leg.
    Offspring (living): Asante
    Friends: none
    Mate: Bill but lost him to a war

    History: She has been alone for most of her life. She has been dubbed ?Broken? from the lioness? from her shunned pride. She had 4 cubs to Bill, even though it should have killed her. One died at birth. Later she fell under attack and two others were killed, and she was crushed. Finally deciding on a name for her only living cub ?Asante? in thanks of his life, he met his father once. She moves from place to place searching for a home after receiving the news that Bill was killed from his raven friend.

    here is a pic... the lyrics are Alice Cooper.. sorry foir the sizes... it looks bad... but it isn't supposed to be pretty at all.

  19. #19
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    oh thats so sad..
    hope she will get along whit Shadow and Shine
    they are qwite the same type

  20. #20
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    she's very cautious, she doesn't warm up to anyone very easily or quickly. She is more to her own than talking with others about life... doesn't want to remember anything... fun huh?
    But yes hope they get along ^..^

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