Aww, Sombolia--stack o' cats!

And ah, reptiles. I'm a terrible animal person, or lie of an animal person, because just the thought of how much specialized care, concerns and equipment reptiles take has always put me off. I would throw all that laziness to the wind and dive right in if only I could own a tortoise, but turtles and tortoises are completely illegal in New Jersey. It makes me very sad.

Here's mr. Wally, the hammiest, most spoiled if sometimes over-enthusiastic (or else completely lazy) dog I've ever had. They said he was a Lab-Shepard mix, but you can see some kind of Bully breed floating around in him, too, not so much in this picture but when he's standing and you see the barrelly body and bandy hind legs, so who really knows. I just call him a Yellow. A yellow what? Nothing, he's just a Yellow, and a fine and cheerful one at that.