Originally posted by Nala The Princess
Kala smiled. every moment she spent with Scout was a happy one. Even with her eyes closed she still felt safe knowing Scout was beside her. She licked his nose and opened her eyes "I love you Scout" she smiled softly and lovingly.
Scout's eyes open and he smiles as she kisses his nose. Every day felt like the best day of this young cub's life every second he was with her, He hoped time would just stand still and Kala would stay in his arms forever. "I love you too Kala more then anything in this whole entire world you're my will to survive Kala without you I have no strength without you I have no life Kala." Scout said lovingly to Kala.


Ballard: AWWWWWWWWWWWW, isn't this romantic Dusty?

Dusty: I think I'm gonna hurl.

Ballard: AWWWWWWWWW, you're just jealous that Scout got the girl and you got nothing Dusty. You don't have to be jealous I still love you. She giggles. And kissed him on the cheek. She knew how mad it made him when another girl kissed him.

Dusty: Oh, yuck now I have to take another bath I got girl cooties all over my face.