i hav3e had a traumatic week. please excuse the spelling and poor punkctuation. i am not used to typing one handed. while watching the smacdown main event last friday, during taker's entrance, the chair i was sitting on -a version of your typical wrestling steel chair- collasped under me, and my finger was caught in the hinge. it was crushed flat. the finger was sevey broken and the lacerations took ten stiches to put back together. I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow, and they don't yet knof if they can save the top part of it. this is the first day i am alloed out of my house. i had a hair cut, stopped at gamestop to check if they had the new zelda game in stock, wich they didn', and left with three classic gameboy games. i was given a gift of a leather easy chair by my best friend and his family as well.

(cpoied and pasted to save me frustration)