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Thread: Lion King on blu-ray

  1. #1
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    Lion King on blu-ray

    here is a picture of TLK in HD on blu-ray

    no official word on the release date but it has been confirmed that they are now working on TLK in BLU! !!!!!!!!!!


    found this preview that also mentions TLK coming to Blu, it is at the very end and is kind of fuzzy

    evidently I was wrong about this clip for TLK, it could possibly be 1080p TLK

  2. #2
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    YAY!!! going in to my collection!! xP

  3. #3
    Senior Member Simbaspirit's Avatar
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    if only i had a blue ray player....

    Avatar drawn by Azerane - thank you! :3

  4. #4
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    Ok, how is TLK any better on blu-ray than on normal DVD? Comparision plz.

    Sigh, blu-ray is taking over Lea.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    well if ya dont know its baseclyt just this,

    better sound,qualety can be seen on big screens without getting pixelish so to speak...

    so really its nothing to get a blue ray for, but if ya already have one :3

  6. #6
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    Blu ray works for new movies to have very good picture. But TLK has more thare than 15 years. It was already recorded (for theese days) bad. Don't expect much from it.
    I'll take a look if i decide to download blu ray version. I expect a diference. But not big enough it will be worth pay it.

  7. #7
    Your friendly neighbourhood poom! Taneli's Avatar
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    I'll most likely buy it, not because I like Blu-Ray or have a Blu-Ray machine....but just for the sake of owning it :P

  8. #8
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    preety mutch the same here xP collectors item ya know hehe

  9. #9
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    sure. the same here... if it's for free! I'm no so big fan of it. We have quite large disney collection here. But on the end i can already see it wont end well.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Kopa's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Taneli
    I'll most likely buy it, not because I like Blu-Ray or have a Blu-Ray machine....but just for the sake of owning it :P
    What can I say...well nothing because it's already been said.
    Siggy pic made by Simba '04

  11. #11
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    Dang. I have no blu ray, and the only Lion King I have is on my computer and VHS. No longer have a VHS either.

  12. #12
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    ebay helped me find the TLK collectors set for like $20, I still have the dvd sealed in the package

  13. #13
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    ^ Ohh.. Shiny, post a picture
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  14. #14
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    Yeah. Will probably try ebay. Its the best bet.

  15. #15
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    Originally posted by shadow
    well if ya dont know its baseclyt just this,

    better sound,qualety can be seen on big screens without getting pixelish so to speak...

    so really its nothing to get a blue ray for, but if ya already have one :3
    Mmmk. No actual physical proof infront of me though.
    I don't see the point of getting a blu-ray player. From a bit of research I've done, I can see there is so little difference between HD DVD and blu-ray. The two true differences are the storage space (blu-ray superior space) and the price (DVD cheaper). How does the TLK HD DVD movie comapre to the blu-ray version?

    Some Blu-ray players have no ethernet ports for accessing upgrades and interactive disc features via broadband, and you can get HD movies, sport, drama and documentaries from satellite and cable TV.

    Blu-ray seems ridiculus for the price you have to pay for it. Yes, if you have a PS3 you're sorted for the "next-gen", but I would consider it stupid to have a more expensive piece of equipment that has very few exclusive games (and most of which can be bought for the Xbox 360) and done by a very arrogant company seemingly only supported by their fanboys.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll admit that blu-ray might be good if I get some good facts about it. So someome, show me evidence of blu-rays/PS3s awesomeness. I'm curious to know more about it. Prove it to me that its a worthwhile investment!!

  16. #16
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    it rules? costs the same to produce a HD-DVD as a Blu-Ray disk

    the only difference in price between blu-ray and hd-dvd is the stand alone systems. The cheapest HD-DVD player on the market is $149.99 and from what I have heard, it has been discontinued. The cheapest blu-ray player is still around $289. So yes up front you will spend more for blu-ray but in the long run it will cost the same but with blu-ray you are getting 4 times the storage capacity. Plus Blu-Ray has a much more versatile laser, the way it reads a disk is completely different from any other player as in it can read even a warped disk if you wanted vs a HD-DVD would not even register in the player and would come up with an error. All Blu-Ray disks are scratch and finger proof, a bunch of hd-dvd fanboys cry saying that blu disks scratch easily and are cheap, well they are just saying that to make themselves feel better. Blu-Ray disks are actually cheaper to produce than a dvd and because of that, Sony decided to go ahead and add the extra protective layers and the end result makes the blu disk cost the same to produce as a dvd. The codecs are better on a blu-ray disk. blu-ray players can handle more codecs and a higher bit rate producing a better image. ALL Blu movies are 1080P and so are all the players vs hd-dvd movies require a higher priced player to support 1080P. HD-DVD players do not support full java, just the scripts I believe it is vs blu-ray players support full java for full interactivity in the movies. currently hd-dvds can only go to a "in theory" 50gb limit vs blu-ray has already been tested and proven that it can handle 200gbs on a single disk. blu-ray holds pretty much over 90% of the HD world with more companies going exclusive daily. Paramount is already in talks to going to blu-ray exclusive this summer but will not make the announcement until toshiba has been able to sell off all of their players, Universal I heard yesterday is negotiating with Sony as we speak.

    probably my biggest reason to why I back up blu-ray more than ever is because this year I fould out that Spielberg is backing blu which means I get to see Jp in HD and he is already prepping Indiana Jones IV for a blu-ray release this year

    HD is not for everyone, for those who have the money, it is money well spent. The signals you receive over HD channels on tv are in 1080i, as in you are not getting the full picture you deserve. The HD downloads are not streaming in 1080p either and with our current broadband technology it is not possible to stream 1080P unless you have a T3 connection.

    So far the PS3 is the best HD player on the market and the most future proof. You can expand the hard drive to w/e you want giving you tons of storage for your media like movies, pictures, and music...basically it is your media center. The 360 if you wanted it to play high def it would be a minimum of $460 and that is without the hard drive, to have the 20gb hard drive it would be a total of at least $560 and that is with half of the memory that the PS3 has. Plus the PS3 this year will be getting a ton of new exclusive games and we will finally be able to see the PS3 graphics running at their max...I can't wait for GT5!!!!!!!!! Plus the PS3 will be doing a price drop within the next few months making it have even more of a bang for your buck. Want more info? just ask, I read up on this stuff hourly pretty much

  17. #17
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Dyani
    Mmmk. No actual physical proof infront of me though.
    I don't see the point of getting a blu-ray player. From a bit of research I've done, I can see there is so little difference between HD DVD and blu-ray. The two true differences are the storage space (blu-ray superior space) and the price (DVD cheaper). How does the TLK HD DVD movie comapre to the blu-ray version?

    Some Blu-ray players have no ethernet ports for accessing upgrades and interactive disc features via broadband, and you can get HD movies, sport, drama and documentaries from satellite and cable TV.

    Blu-ray seems ridiculus for the price you have to pay for it. Yes, if you have a PS3 you're sorted for the "next-gen", but I would consider it stupid to have a more expensive piece of equipment that has very few exclusive games (and most of which can be bought for the Xbox 360) and done by a very arrogant company seemingly only supported by their fanboys.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll admit that blu-ray might be good if I get some good facts about it. So someome, show me evidence of blu-rays/PS3s awesomeness. I'm curious to know more about it. Prove it to me that its a worthwhile investment!!

    lol a pure statment of one who do not know a thing or two abut situations "lol i didnt mean to offend with that comment even if it sounds like it i appolgise i just have a bad way with words" xP

    right so there really isent any machine that is "best" it is all in what kind of position your in.

    dont have a big *** HD screen suround sound etc etc and cant get the fullest out of your ps3 and that you dont have that mutch money buying a ps3 is prob the worst ya can do xP

    however lets say ya do have a big *** screen suroundsound "etc etc etc" and can afford a ps3 ..why not buy it? twist and turn all you like but "as far as i know" the ps3 is better "grapical/space wise jadi jadi jadi jadi etc" so if ya want the best machine FOR FOR FOR FOR "just making sure ya see it xP" FOR high blue ray movies AND games then ps3 is prob the best buy,

    HOWEVER ^^ if ya want quite the resoponsebul price "note ps3 has been lowerd quite drasticly now" the 360 is prob the best buy,

    dont cost insanly alot "witch ps3 did just accept it fan ps3 boys xP" has a huge selection of game, etc,

    however i cant say i agree with you that all the games of the ps3 comes to 360 and all i see now a days is the games being realised on both consuls ,

    example of qualety,

    new gta game ps3 version: "wow we got alot of space left on the ps3 hmmm what should we place in...more content..animations..grapics..."etc etc etc"

    360 version: crap we dont have enough space we gota cut down on some stuff a little,

    NOW iv read this but natruealy i dont buy up everything i read but still.

    but frankly i couldent care less xP as i stated upove its all abut what situation your inand when i meet a guy who has a 360 or Wii insted of going "god you waste your money ps3 is better" i say

    dang dude thats azomse id love to play dead rising on the 360 or Super smach brawl on the wii!

    personly i just find consul wars idiotic and stuped whana hear the reason i get a ps3? here is the real reason.

    ps3 will have

    Final fantasy, Resident evil, Kingdom hearts, Devil may cry, GTA, The agency,Afrika, Metal gear solid yadi yadi yadi the list goes on xP

    there really is no suprime machine...ya get what suits you best economecly and taste in games and thats simply dot in that ^^,

    however...i am a little tencho freak if i buy stuff like this i prob will always pay the extra price to get that 1% better grapics or something xP i dunno why lol

  18. #18
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    When this is released, I'm going to buy a PS3 just so I can watch this. Can't wait.

  19. #19
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    Simba '04 - That was an interesting reply, thanks for your input. ^_^ I think I'll convert to blu-ray when it has completely taken over the market. Most films and games come in DVD format so I'll stick with that for a while. Thank you though, you have put forward interesting points for me.

    shadow - The main point of my post was to say "convince me!" not "PS3 sux u all waste ur monies" or summate. And btw the games you said to be exclusive to PS3 (Final fantasy, Resident evil, Kingdom hearts, Devil may cry, GTA, The agency,Afrika, Metal gear solid) well lets go through the list.
    Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts are owned by the same company (Square Enix) and they have considered going multi-format for all of their games, XI being the pioneer in MMO multi-format gaming. Square Enix is only allowing exclusivity for XIII to Sony as long as they get a lot of sales. If not its easy enough to say they'll go multi-format for their games.
    Resident Evil 5 is on both systems. Devil May Cry 4 is also on both systems, as is GTA. The Agency is done by Sony so yeah.. of course it would be exclusive but its still on PC. Afrika is again by Sony. MGS is the only one there that is exclusive to Sony to any degree.
    Most of the games are going to be multi-format.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    aye but just becouse there multi realised dont mean the games are just the same

    as with the example of GTA prove you am afried i cannot sense i already told ya its all in what position your in

    and am no pro in "proving stuff" becouse am not that tecnikal of myself and sense i couldent care less what everone else is getting i rarley need to know the "prossesing power and what the ps3 contains and etc etc" i myself trust my father who is very tencikal and then i trust the other 80% "ish" that says the ps3 has better grapics/qualety etc etc

    but ofcurse its not saying alot if they dont use its full capacity,

    they compare Resistence fall of man to Gears of war,

    by that time the 360 had been out for a year and there compareing it with a first realise off a ps3 game and the ps3 hold strong.

    belive me when they learn to use all of the power in the ps3 it will prob kick away 360s butt "thats what i think am not saying it will"

    and if you want to judge this thing upon exluvies heres al ist of whats exlusive and whats not.

    and lets not forget that most 360 games will hit the pcs...not very exlusive if ya ask me sense almost everyone ps3 owners or not has a pc

    "caugh gears of war caugh caugh"

    peace and love to the gaming world!

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