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Thread: TLK Fandom?

  1. #61
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    Originally posted by Ravoc

    Then there is my family, they make fun of me for it more than all the others put together. Sometimes I swear I'd just like to slap 'em all [img]
    Your family makes fun of you for it? That sucks!

    I never tell ANYBODY IRL about how much I like TLK (actually, I'm not obsessed with TLK, it's just that I'm obsessed with Scar ). I actually don't tell anybody IRL about most things. I'm pretty introverted.

  2. #62
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    I don't openly obsese about TLK cause I have other interests that I can talk about with them. My bro thinks its kinda weird thought he does admit it is a good movie.

  3. #63
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    simply put,someone who dosent accept you for what you like/enjoy is not a good friend. personally, my friends are not what you would call supportive of my lion king hobby, but they don't go around harrasing me about it . There are occasions where my friends talk the trash....but its all in good fun, seeing how one who does it the most is a "Beauty and the Beast" fan. I myself absolutley love tlk, so i really don't give a crap when someone i dont know mock me. So far, no other animated/real movie has captivated and amazed me more than The Lion King has.

  4. #64
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    I hate it when my friends either say that "Aladdin" or "Little Mermaid" were the best Disney movies...

  5. #65
    Senior Member Shadow's Avatar
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    the ppl in my class "not friends" respeckt it pretty good....exsept that some times they use it agenst me when doing sick our bad jokes they are like

    "oh did your TLK colection broke"

    "did Simba run away today?..."

    sick stuff like that

    i just walk up to them and say face to face

    "Am a huge TLK fan and am F"!?#ng proud over it aswell..."

    the i ushely turn around and walk away leting them stand there speach less......

    i got a friend though JP hes a really cool guy "aswell as his class" so am trying to chance really sick of my own.....he is the only one that havent made a crack abut my TLK fandom

  6. #66
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Wow, I can't believe I've not posted in this thread yet. After reading through all that I've almost forgotten the question. I used to think my love for TLK was quite secret but now I realise that it's not at all...

    Okie dokes, so in Primary school I don't think I told anybody. After we initially saw the movie in 1994 I would sing the songs really loudly so my family knew I loved it then and gradually it's shown that I really like it through the poster on my wall, the few things around my room and the fact that I watch it fairly often A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my sister on the phone and she said that she and her husband had accidently stumbled across my TLKFAA that was interesting... my little secret is out! In High school, I don't think I really told people that I loved it, it kinda gradually showed through the drawings in my books and then once I mentioned it to people, one girl said that she loved it too ...much to my suprise, except whenever she watches it she fast fowards the stampede, hehe. So yeah, my school friends grew to knew that I liked it, but I'm still kinda secretive about it even though they know. The really cool thing is that no-one makes fun of me for it, which I guess I am very lucky for. So my family knows about it, so do my school friends but that's it, no-one from my church or people in my course I'm doing-although they've seen some sketches I drew. I swear I was getting to a point... but now I've either forgotten it or I didn't have one. Oh yeah, that's right. Last year, I bought TLK on DVD when it came out but I couldn't watch it cos we didn't have a DVD player... and then for my birthday a group of my friends got together and made me a birthday card with TLK pics on it AND they bought me a DVD player so that I could watch it! *dies* hehe... so yeah, my love for TLK is out there more than I thought... heh. [/rambling]
    That which you manifest is before you.

  7. #67
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    aawww thats so sweet. My friends are cool even though they probably wouldn't but me a DVD player(even though I already got one)

  8. #68
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    Well i have never had any trouble with any shop keepers, and the lion king though, i don't think my dad has excepted me yet for this obssesion, my sister and my brother take the piss, now most of my brothers mate nows, none of my school no, just a few Andrea, some friend i know, she is bout 30, i mean when my mum and my famnily went a bit odd and thought that i was up to something i shouldn't be....
    I have to hide my tlk folder so no finds it...
    I mean it isn't wrong for me to like the lion king, cause that is my impression that it looks like as well. Why does life have to be so complicated when you like The lion king....

    Btw the only Character i like from winnie the pooh is Eeyore. but i even have to hide my floppy disks were i keep my pics cause my mums bf searches through them nothing is private. so i end up taking all my stuff into school and keeping it in my bag away from civillisation...

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