in abut 10 min yal get a kingdom hearts covrage i ghuss..hard to explane but basecly he explaine kingdom hearts for those very intrested or those who know nothing but wish to he said something intresting in form off

"Kingdom hearts has become a threat to the two genras it came from" or something

now this really made me intrested i mean think abut it...this person sounds as amazed as ya could and with all right i mean could ya ever imagen Kingdom heart/ Final fantasy and that it would work this good?! i mean not even did it work good but it worked so good that it created a whole new genra and threat agesnt its own series.

i mean think abut it...Disney have never really made a good game witch they could make a good lick of money out off while final fantasy....well we all know that story.

for disney fans like ourselfs this was a dream come true i mean who TLK fan wouldent want to run around in the pridelands and be the hero there ?

who peter pan fan wouldent want to be able to fly around there ? and who in the world wouldent want to stand beside Donald and Goofy fighting evil?

and theres even lots for the final fantasy fans! i mean who in the world wouldent want to kick Sepiroths ***?! ones more with an over sized key! and see there two fave heros stand back to back and fight with heartless (Squall/Leon and Cloud)

well my point is that disney akshely has a finger in gameing now...and a preety good one to as for Kingdom hearts itself...i mean there are 3 things here

Kingdom hearts
Final Fantasy

Disney= "huge fandom and a never ending movie making"

Final fantasy: Huge fandom and what seems a never ending game makeing.

Kingdom hearts = those two plus eatchother...AND an own original story.

i mean dang 0.o theres some serius money lying in this and this seriesly will probebly become a never ending one sense both compnays keep supplying them with more matrials just by doing there own thing.

so as long as the Kingdom hearts story will stay fresh and fun it will prob never die....

i mean Kingdom hearts is not an underdog to final fantasy adn disney...its standing right beside them on the shelf...and that my friend is true sucsess!

am sorry am just very amazed that they manged to pull something like this off myself have replayed kingdom hearts over and over several times being the disney and final fantsy geek i am..

so who else is amazed by this and have something to add to it ? perhaps there own experince of playing it or something.

(and please no " Kingdom hearts suck go play an other game etc etc etc"

now none amazed comments are welcome as long as its not a derect negative to the thread but ofcurse something like"

"i didnt think the experince was so spechial it was really not that amazing" is ofcurse welcome i want ya opinions here x3