The form of the young juvenile started to speak as things turned back into darkness with only a slight view of the female before him clear to his eyes that very moment. The tone she had was a sarcastic one which on most days would maybe annoy him; but he felt anyone who had spent time out here in the storm travelling around and staying up on there paws all the time without any shelter sort of reserved the right to be so.

?Yes this rock is occupied young one; my pride lives in this rock formation we called Pride Rock. Where is your family? Not telling me you?ve travelled alone in this weather without seeking shelter else where?? He said as his ears continued to stick up even against the pouring rain and the harsh wind. With such conditions is was near but impossible to catch any signs of different scents in the air even with catching sounds of anyone else was difficult apart from talking really.

He did hear a noise nearer the bottom of the rock; he knew in his mind he hadn?t imagined that and looked to the juvenile wondering if she wasn?t maybe part of some decoy for an attack by anyone else at the bottom of the rock who could take advantage with the current conditions with the ability to detect scents and the darkness.

?You haven?t come alone have you?? he said cautiously continuing to look in the same direction of the young one who still hadn?t given her name to him. In his head he hoped Cova or someone else in the pride would come to him so he wasn?t alone should something bad happen right away.