FC felt Iliana rustle beneath his wirey, but muscled frame. She moved in a way that his head dropped a little, but the clever feline stopped it from sinking all the way to the den floor. He lifted his head and stared down at her with a soft, sea-green gaze. "It's actually really early." he explained, looking over his shoulder at the large mouth of the den. "You can never really tell here anymore...it's always overcast..." he sighed. "Rain...clouds..." he looked back at her, "you alright?" he asked wondering if the chills from outside had woken her.

Before she could answer him, he watched her attention turn to the mouth of the cave once more. "Did I hear what?" he responded and immediately rose to his paws--standing in front of her protectively as the hair on the back of his neck, which was already quite spikey, stood up even more. A low rumbling sound was emmitted from his throat as he took a pawstep foreword. His ears pricked foreword as he strained to hear what Iliana had apparently heard before.

He listened harder and caught the tail end of a younger creature calling. FC listened harder and called back, "Who's there?" he called, leaving his mouth slightly open so that his lower canines were visable.