Dark rimmed ears perk as a roar ring out over the wet savannah, eyes squirting to make out any shapes in through the grey haze ahead, but being half-blind didn't help the situvation. Kisirani was strong, but she couldn't hope to answere that call being a mear juvenile her voice would never beable to silence the winds nor the sound the running water. She folded her ears back, and pressed forward towards the sound of the roar comming from somewhere beyond the grey haze.

Normally the juvenile would have run into hideing would she hear a roar, but these times were diffirent. Very diffirent, this time a roar might be her savior. Kisirani thought back at her mother, how she would have tackled something like this but the youngster concluded that she couldn't compare herself to her own mother; the slave-mistress.

Her mother would have done the same as she, pressed forward thudgeing ankle deep in mud that just got closer and closer to water which each step you took, each step feels like two steps backwards. But this was no time for rest; No time.. for weakness!