Iliana was glad that she caught up with the lot of them with only one cumblsy mistake. She knew that she was not highranking in any sort of thing, but Cova made her feel slightly like she was useful when she allowed her to go with Fc on his chores or whatever Twilight had assigned him to do... or so she thought. He had no mentioned her name is his last orders and she felt like she was invisible at that point. Her ears lowered and her head was still held down low as she heard them carry on there conversatin compleatly forgetting about her.

'Should I just leave? Should I leave them a lone and maybe wander away? I am a good hider no one will bother me..' she thought to herself.

She felt like a burden now that she knew that Twilight porbly thought she was weak since she was always caught following Fc around, but that was nly because she fully trusted him and of course she had feelings for him. Feelings that were not yet understood by her, but enough that if he was not around she would greatly miss him.

She wondered if she should say anyhting? Speak up like the adult she wished she was. Like some kind of assertiveness that she wished she had, but no she had to be a shy small feline.. Sometimes she felt that Fc was embaressed to be with her. SHe felt like he felt that he always had to stick up for her. She wished she coulds tick up for herself at times, without him so she would not feel like she was a leech sucking at his skin.

She conitneud to walk causouly when the moved anywhere and then stay put when tehy both stopped. She heard there conversation, but also zoned off every now and hten to the conversation Cova was having with the two rogues.