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Thread: Poems

  1. #81
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    I mean Reina help me to do some correction yesterday.
    And thanks for the correction.

  2. #82
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Oh right... I getcha now Oh well... hehe.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  3. #83
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    Oh.. a poem thread. This is interesting, and i also read the other poems as well. Really awsome. Here's my contribution to this tread now...

    I did this poem hmm, someone in august i belive and it was and is.. for a very special person ^^ . Ok , here it goes

    I ask you, what is life livinng for
    Is it love ,lust, desire, dream or maybe fate?
    Or for something you are longing for?
    Are you seeking something great?

    Can't you see that's all just too poetic
    All you ever need is right beside you
    Are you that blind too see it all?
    Or are you doing this on purpose?

    You hurt me everytime you long for another
    Seeing as no one else is there to bother
    I don't want no more from you, but just...
    Just for you to see me there.

    I stand in the dark,watching, waiting
    It is all clear for me now
    Can't you see me past the shourd of darkness?
    Come, i'll show you how it feels.
    Standing emotionless in the cold
    As no one hears you, sees you, ignores you
    Now go..go away from this lair of darkness
    I love you to much to see you in that dispair

  4. #84
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    Ok, this is kinda depressing and it's about a guy from a story I wrote a long time ago, it's spoken by the girl who loved him. Theres was a tragic love, since he was a complete twat to her.

    Your voice brings a bitter chill
    Cold and calm and after me
    It causes my everything to still
    Love me, hold me, let me be.

    Your fingers are cold
    Heart made of stone
    The words have gotten old
    But they still chill my bone

    Please just hold my hand
    Don?t let me lose my way
    Take me through this land
    The land of yesterday

    Bitter tears sting my cheeks
    You?re pain is with me still
    Memories help me through the weeks
    But I fear you?ll get more ill

    Years have passed now
    And you are gone
    I?ll live, though I don?t know how
    I?ll never forget you, John

  5. #85
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    Sometimes the darkest and most gloomy of poems are the best ones, because I think that everyone can relate to them, therefore, everyone writes their own

  6. #86
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Very nice poems Son-Goku and Cleto.

    Sometimes the darkest and most gloomy of poems are the best ones, because I think that everyone can relate to them, therefore, everyone writes their own
    I think you may be right there. For some reason I find it much easier to write more depressing poems than happy ones, maybe because it is so much easier to think of depressing things than really happy thoughts... I dunno.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  7. #87
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    Exactly. Like it's easier to do something that's bad for you, than something that'll benefit you, you know? It's weird...

  8. #88
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    Poems...Well, here's one from a friend...She's really good

    Tattered and Stoned

    Eyes dare weakly
    Trace along such edge
    Crusted over from day's on soaking
    But pain screeching through one's head.

    Dusk has left
    A savior treat for who
    Burning be that blade that so
    Mutilated you

    Punishment is enticing
    For one in maddening's days
    Pleasure be so enlightening
    At the cost of another's pay

    Blood so drip
    Like the waterfall
    That now pours down your cheek
    To remember the stones
    That were tossed upon you
    Leave you weak and at death's peak

    And tattered all
    That so come to past
    As the light so dwindles down

    The blade, the stones, the shreds of clothes
    Forgotten like you,
    Alongside the crusted edge.

    It's ok? I hope..

  9. #89
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Twilight I absolutly love it!

    I love the rythm of the verses and the word order, it's so wonderfully written! Such awesome work.

    23/9/05 To Weep with the Earth

    I cry these floods of mine
    As the world turns shades of grey
    Swallowing me in its misery
    There's no escape this time

    The world dissolves around me
    A sorry, angry mist
    'till there is but a carcass left
    Nothing more to see

    It was the earth, the world
    I would sit on it in pain
    But now I cry not just for me
    But for my home unfurled

    And in the silnce deepening
    I hear another voice
    A haunting song of deepest pain
    The world, as well, is weeping

    In aching unison we mourn
    For everything there used to be
    For all things old
    For all things born

    Each of us torn apart
    The sounds of souls in pieces
    I'd never known there's been so much
    Weighing on our hearts

    As my tears hit ashen ground
    They slowly seep away
    I fear into lifelessness
    Before I hear just one more sound

    The sweetest voice on all the earth
    Sweeping all around me
    I search for its owner
    Instead I witness birth

    The ashen blanket peels slowly back
    From the world it hides
    Revealing much new tender growth
    Which did no colour lack

    Still I didn't cease to cry
    But my tears were not of pain
    Just joy as I saw new life
    And stars up in the sky

    Seeing a flower so vibrant red
    I tenderly reached out
    Its silken petals were summer warm
    "Oh precious flower." I said

    "You see death but you are life
    Nothing is more clear
    Please show me how to be like you
    Your beauty is not rife"

    I gently clasped it to my chest
    And looked over the earth
    A new day just happy to be
    Is what I never would have guessed

    I smiled out upon earth's field
    It shone warmly back
    To be happy is life itself
    And it's what our hearts did build

    Is it just me or is the ending a little bit corny I think it's mainly just the last verse I don't like.

    And this one is an older poem, one that I never thought I'd post, but here I am posting it, hehe, I also used a few lines of this poem on a picture I drew early this year

    22/2/05 A Passion

    The throb of my heart, my body, my soul
    It's stronger than an ocean's waves,
    The fire you ignite within me
    Spreads faster than a forest's flames.
    The comfort I feel in your presence
    Is greater than ever I'd dreamt,
    But the loneliness I feel without you
    Is the most immeasurable event.
    I long to be with you, always beside you
    Feeling your breath on my skin,
    The caress of your lips up against mine
    A passion of fiery pleasures within.
    To feel your warm curves up against me
    Our bodies entangling with love,
    My soul flies on the wings of a being
    A soft, white, feathery dove.
    The peace that it leaves within me
    The joy that I feel as you're mine,
    You are part of me and I of you
    As our souls forever entwine.

    So there you have it, poems from me
    That which you manifest is before you.

  10. #90
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    *Strretches lazily and opens his bleary eyes. It's been a while since he got up before 9 AM*

    Heheh, anyways, I really like your poems Becca, both were really quite beautiful, if I do say so.

  11. #91
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Thanks Pat, I appreciate it
    That which you manifest is before you.

  12. #92
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    I lovee that second poem, Azerane.

    Now... For one to embarrass myself.

    Your comforting touch,
    My frozen heart awaits
    Your warming presence as
    The clock whispers the days.

    Each night I nod off
    To the last ringing word you spoke
    Before your sweet breath drifted
    Into the starry night.

    The wonderful treachery,
    The night time stars,
    Forbidding your thoughts
    To invade my lonely mind.

    Miles separating our souls,
    Caring, holding fast
    Until the morning?s dawn
    Shines to a warm rejoice.

    Each year slowly inching,
    Brings us so near,
    And yet so far, isolating
    Our restless love.

    Moonlight dancing about us,
    Mocking our escapable prison.
    Prison that does not forbid,
    But just as much does not allow.

    The prison youth has created,
    Containing our wondrously
    Secluded ambitions,
    Holding back our seething hearts.

    Time the key, the only key
    To set us free, and yet-
    So heavy this key,
    And so far is the prison door.
    Ta da. I'm all poem'd out for now. I'll rummage through m papers for some more hehe.

    Ah, and-- Yes I know that one was bleh.

  13. #93
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    And this would be modern poetry summed up:



    ... eh eh eh. I take no credit what-so-ever. I'm just amused. Damn English Lit student, am I.


    I remember once thinking
    How I should write a poem.
    A poem about old age;
    A poem about how I will walk not with a cane to support my frail weight, but to hold at my side...
    - proudly, that is.

    I remember once swearing
    How my hair would not turn grey.
    Turn grey with old age;
    Old age that I slowly accended into with wisdom beyond my (numerous) years, streaked white hair...
    - gracefully, that is.

    I remember once seeing
    How they have to climb.
    Climb onto the buses;
    Those satin-blood cages at six am early morning with every ounce of strenght, mindless chatter...
    -sorrowfully, that is.

    That is not what I'll be. No, no, not me.

    But now I do not remember
    How to write that poem.
    That poem about old age;
    That poem about how I will stand tall with dignity, and pride.
    - now I am just chewed barbed wire.

    Of course I do not remember
    That my hair was once auburn brown.
    Golden with life;
    Life that left my worn body years ago with the death of another, splintering bones...
    - now it is just faded cobwebs in the morning dew.

    And no, I do not remember seeing!
    My eyes are blackened, and this I cannot see.
    I am just one of them;
    Clamboring in the morning cold to the last shred of interaction, the actions that commit me...
    - strangers, nothing more.

    I do not remember swearing any of these things, oh my words.
    Maybe because of the death of my lover, those that speak of me.
    Maybe because of the death of my father and mother; (Oh, and a younger brother.)
    I do not remember feeling any of these these things, forgive me.

    So this is what I'll be. Yes, yes, oh me.


    Poet, I am not. Would like to work on it, though. =)

  14. #94
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Thanks Twilight!

    I very much like your poem Four Years Past.

    And Neph, that second poem of yours is amazing. I really enjoyed reading it, I think you've written it really well, I like the way it flows.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  15. #95
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    Woot.. time for another depressive sad poem by me. Enjoy.. well, since it's depressive, don't enjoy.. ere.. you know..:

    -Sodom & Gomorrah-

    Standing here as a pillar of salt,
    I look down upon myself,
    And at long last,
    The object of my torture,
    Of my persecution,
    The knife jabbed,
    Straight into my heart.

    It?s a double bladed sword,
    Words inscribed on each side,
    Friendship and Memories.

    The desire to pull it out,
    Is not as unbearable as it may seem.

    For though the pain would go,
    And a worse one would soon follow.

    So I shall stand here,
    Looking back at that forbidden city,
    Of long ago.

  16. #96
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    Wow Nuka, I have to say that that is a very powerful poem, so beautifully written. I simply love it.
    That which you manifest is before you.

  17. #97
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    Thanks Azerane, much appreciated ^^

  18. #98
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    I'm liking whtat I'm reading.....The last two were interesting..

  19. #99
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    He was laid to rest
    the minute the lead went through his head
    Another one dead
    Another one who's life had to end
    Where do I begin?
    Pain is just another part of the game
    It's two parts the same
    Two parts insane, insanity
    Just to keep reminding me
    What I have inside of me, the name
    It means so much to me
    When I have someone looking up to me
    It reminds me what I can be
    When I have my own family
    And I promise them
    That I can give them better
    Give them something that matters
    A father who's always there
    Someone who cares
    No pain can out do the joy they'd give
    Nothing would be worth more than my kids
    I don't want them to see what I did, when I was the same age
    Keep them from the same fate
    Give me a reason to live
    My family, they mean everything to me
    And the pain that I learned from living soon vanishes within me

    "The Things I Miss"

    Let's play
    The same way we did when we were children back in the day
    Before the rain started raining down on our parade the day we grew to be our age
    Let's love
    Like when some was always enough when things got rough
    Now everything is always the same and I miss your touch
    Let's sing
    The song that's been sitting in my heart waiting for my baby's loving
    Like the day when we first met I miss being with my lady above all things
    Just Say
    You remember the days of before, before things got complicated
    The way you looked at me before, before when you wanted me
    Baby, can you look at me the same way
    And say the same things you used to say yesterday
    My Baby, Those are things I miss everyday <<<Shameless self promotion...

    "My Insanity"

    Are you saying what I'm thinking
    Thinking that leads thought to meaning
    Meaning that leads us to beating
    Annoying habits to keep us dreaming
    As if I lost all I had the first night screaming
    Beaming lights out my eyes the first sight I'm seeing
    Believing is half the battle, the other half is leaving
    partial thoughts on the table so seemingly innocent
    As if I lost all thought of being none convincing
    to myself as I pass out hoping to leaving memories I have inside me
    And the past behind me as I commit something so atrociously blindingly
    stupid, in mind like all I left inside was outside the realm of my reality
    Baby, maybe, save me, and give me everything you have for me
    Look in my eyes, sweety
    Realize that I lost my mind half past ten and what I have left I write with my pen
    Inside a pin where caged animals are kept in, out of touch with everything
    Is this just a dream, or is reality what I woke never believing, never seeing
    Since seeing is believing, I guess being is just dreaming if I'm caught living life blindly
    But they all say it's my insanity...

  20. #100
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    0 Post(s) seems I forgot to read page six...or most of it. I like both of your poems, Azerane...especially the second one...Passion for all!...

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