his is a subject I'm rather passionate about and I hope to show others why, exactly, I am so passionate about it. Likewise, I am curious to know why disbelievers hold their opinions so strongly.

I believe evolution is a valid scientific theory with excessive evidence to back it up. I believe the debate about its validity is based more on personal emotion and fear rather than actual science, and I believe this debate needs to end soon if we are at all to hope to give future generations a decent scientific education.

I've become saddened to see how poorly it is taught in schools these days...and to learn how many people still feel it should not be taught in schools, or should be taught alongside other "theories" which are not scientific. I feel students should receive a proper scientific education in school, and religious opinions should be saved for the home or for personal reflection. Religious belief shouldn't be forced into education, especially not at the cost of dismissing valid science.

What are your views?